The "IT for Innovative Services" (ITIS) department of LIST is home to 100 IT scientists and engineers performing research and innovation activities to support the digital transition of private and public organisations to take advantage of emerging digital ecosystems based on the smooth interplay of data, physical devices, infrastructures and people. ITIS researches and develops novel ICT solutions to efficiently manage their operations, and help them taking better decisions, in a context of increasingly demanding regulation and the need for a certain level of acceptance to achieve a competitive advantage.

To fulfil this aim, ITIS develops methodologies, architectures, models, algorithms, software tools, and integrated IT-based systems to achieve a more efficient, optimised, robust, scalable, secure, trustworthy and user-friendly utilisation of data and information technologies both for fully automated systems and for systems with humans in the loop.The activities of the department are supported by an AI, data analytics and visualisation Technology Infrastructure.

ITIS expertise relates to:

  • Responsible Data Science and Analytics with a focus on Digitalisation of Cyber-Physical-social systems
    “How to best combine the power of computers and the human capabilities to take better, faster, more robust, fair and trustworthy decisions in our increasingly complex and changing world?”
  • Reliable Distributed Systems with a focus on Robustness and Resilience of interconnected digital systems
    "How to combine the latest strategic fields on computational, networking and operational research to develop trustworthy data and network enabled next generation of interconnected digital systems?”


Responsible Data Science & Analytics Systems / Reliable Distributed Systems / Software Engineering RDI Unit



The ITIS department is focusing on the 6 following “innovation lines”, ( a concept inspired by product and solution lines in the industry, which are about coordinating a number of core technology building blocks to build functional prototypes, and sometimes solutions, meeting the exacting requirements of a specific market ) :

  • 6G,
  • Automated Process-Based Systems,
  • Digital Twin Technologies,
  • Digital Upskilling for Industry 5.0 and Services,
  • Explainable AI Regulatory Sandbox,
  • Interactive Technologies for Critical Incidents

Equipment and facilities

The department is managing and operating:

  • AIDA, its Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and visualisation technology infrastructure, featuring a mix of proprietary (IBM) and open-source (HDP) technologies as well as the Viswall, a large-scaled interactive visualisation wall.
  • CEL, its cognitive environment lab enables the simulation of different environments with augmented or virtual reality and is equipped with a controlled experiment room with observation, actuation and feedback tools, such as AR/VR and tangible tables.

We are active in and collaborate with international networks such as the Z-Inspection® for Trustworthy AI Initiative and Affiliated Labs, offering support to organizations in delivering responsible, trustworthy AI solutions. A detailed view on the process and method, as a framework for assessing AI solutions, building on EC’s Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, cf. definition of the High-Level Expert Group on AI, can be found via IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. The Z-Inspection® process is listed under the OECD Catalogue of AI Tools & Metrics, and is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA).

Please contact us for any additional information on the process or if interested to conduct an Assessment for Trustworthy AI.

Current projects


Towards innovative collaborative construction practices, enabling multi-disciplinary decision-making through novel interaction techniques with 4D/BIM models.


A data-driven network planning solution to recommend optimal deployment strategies and facilitate the adoption, compliance and sustainability of 5G in Luxembourg.


Towards secured 5G vehicular networks in cross-border areas


Using 5G to enable Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility in European cross-border and urban corridors


A decision support and awareness raising platform to plan and design 5G networks for cooperative, connected and automated mobility applications.


Optimizing human effort in complex crowdsourcing


A multilayer framework of Active and Healthy Aging services innovation adoption


Help consumers and businesses apply the “right to know” about extremely concerning substances present in consumer articles via innovative IT tools.


AURELA-AI is designed to develop new Large Language Model-based AI that is capable of autonomously processing legislative and jurisdictional documents within a secure data [...]


Exploiting the potential of open Public Sector Information to create new services and jobs.


BeeCreative4Kids promotes a creative and scientific use of ICT-tools and the development of digital and scientific skills among children aged 6 to 12 years.


Data-driven infrastructure management and predictive maintenance.


BESSER will build the world’s first open source intelligent low-code platform to model, generate, personalize and deploy smart and complex software systems.


Devise a European skills matrix for BIM actors, as well as a method for assessing the maturity of BIM skills


The broadening of the BIM training agenda to support the European union building energy efficiency agenda.


The BRAIDS project aims at new efficient and privacy-preserving recommender systems


Developing an ISO 17024 compliant European CVET trainer certification scheme based on a European CVET trainer competence matrix.


Studying the training requirements and certification procedures for trainers working in the field of continuous vocational education and training (CVET).


CLIMABOROUGH is a project with the ambition to bridge the gap between design and implementation of urban innovations, particularly in the face of climatic change and its [...]


Optimal integration of connected and automated shuttles with passenger and freight transport systems


Developing and deploying vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems to improve road condition information systems


Stimulating a change in the way European citizens grasp history thanks to the contribution of innovative ICT technologies


The FEDER project aims at developing and deploying a Data Analytics Platform or DAP (hardware, software, people) supporting advanced services answering to internal needs of the [...]


Develop an innovative digital decision support system to reduce waste within the construction sector and the huge CO2 emissions of the industry.


Proposing methods and tools to understand changes that affect knowledge organization systems (KOS) and exploiting this information to automatize the maintenance of existing [...]


Developing interoperable Europe-wide public services


Public administration in the age of e-learning


Supporting the cross-border eco-renovation and sustainable building industry


Developing an ICT tool for supply chain tracking and tracing using the Electronic Product Code


Methods and tools for supporting the semi-automatic evolution of semantic annotations based on the evolution of controlled terminologies


Gaining a better understanding of radiation-related risks in the medical field


Developing an advanced approach to stepping up fair teaching practices especially in STEM disciplines

Focal SCAN

Self-assessment of skills in line with professional requirements

GECAMed eSanté

Integration of GECAMed medical office management software into the " eHealth platform"


A learning content recommendation system designed to support teachers in dealing with gender issues in secondary-level classes and increase girls' participation in STEM [...]


Studying the use of gestures in collaborative complex problem solving scenarios on tangible user interfaces


Towards a smart habitat for user comfort


Modelling information security risks for the health sector


The objective of INTROSupply is to build a new automated supply chain management platform made in Luxembourg that enables companies to not only be compliant with due diligence [...]


The problem of urban freight delivery becomes a real challenge for local authorities and transporters. On the one hand, the last mile delivery represents 20% of the total cost of [...]


Papyrus, a visualization software for large scale systematic literature reviews: from a proof-of-concept to a minimum viable product


Improve health and well-being through personalized meal recommendations and reduce the effort of daily food-related tasks for end-users and their support persons by integrating [...]

Logistics Skills Transparency

The transport and storage services sector is a vital sector of the European economy. In 2009, with approximately 533 billion Euros of gross value added (GVA), equating to 5.1% of [...]


The industrialisation of the construction industry


Improving the care of the elderly at home through a communication platform enabling collaboration between informal and professional caregivers


During the MILAN2 collaborative project, LIST and VAONIS will collaborate for the design and development of cutting-edge AI-powered techniques to process astronomical images.


Ensuring lower vehicular emissions through a user-centric approach.


Moving towards industrialisation of interactive software


MUV raises citizen awareness on the quality of the urban environment to promote a shift towards more sustainable and healthy mobility choices.


NARA project aims at improving the professionalization of young farmers in Europe through the analysis of training needs in six key areas for their sector


Bringing citizen-focused electromobility solutions to Luxembourg’s Nordstad region 


Designing a technological solution to optimize the management of waste sorting centres for construction sites.


Odour Monitoring and Information System based on Citizen and Technology Innnovative Sensors


Learn to collaborate by jointly overcoming artificially introduced breakdowns on interactive tabletops


PAMLA will leverage HPC processing and Machine Learning to develop improved Anti-Money Laundering (AML) controls,


An interdisciplinary approach to assessing and enhancing driver behaviour and public acceptance of connected and autonomous vehicles


Achieving operational excellence and product quality improvement through data-driven refinement of manufacturing process parameters


Implementation of an architecture and a platform enabling organizations to assess and improve their level of interoperability to identify partnership opportunities more easily.


PRECINCT will develop a framework for better interaction of interdependent critical infrastructures in an urban environment.

Rational Architecture

Linking enterprise architecture principles with their architectural design decisions


Curbing school dropout thanks to innovative teaching methods giving struggling students a renewed interest in learning and encouraging them to re-enter the school system


Establishment of a national regulatory framework to ensure that providers of public communication networks manage the security risks of their networks and services.


Conceiving and delivering research-related outreach activities for a broad audience at the Luxembourg Science Center.


Exploring and studying how mutual awareness can be enhanced for collaborative decision-making in a distributed wall-display setup.


Systemic Approach of Risk Management


A collaborative European initiative to enhance the delivery cyber security teaching and the sharing of related materials.


Fostering ecotourism through the use of advanced satellite based applications

Share-PSI 2.0

Identifying the best practices to fully benefit from public sector information added-value


Accelerating innovation through optimised use of social media


Re-imagining the way cybersecurity research, innovation, and training are performed in the European Union


A generic platform to serve a variety of senior-supportive organisations (and help them improve their performance and increase their options in senior occupational support)


A digital process for participative decision-making enabling efficient space planning for dynamic and smart office organisations.


Studying and improving the efficiency of urban freight logistics for the construction sector


Optimize the waste collection process via a connected business intelligence platform


Resilient Territorial Planning with Local Digital Twins


A turnkey solution for IT process assessment.


Increasing the efficiency of the Digital Single European Market.


TRANSCEND aims to improve the protection and resilience of critical freight transport infrastructure networks across Europe against physical, cyber and hybrid threats, enabling [...]


Professionnalisation et reconnaissance du métier de conducteur - livreur en milieu urbain par la mise en place d’un cycle modulaire de formation.


Developing a modular electric vehicle for urban freight delivery.


Strengthening the development of sustainable connectivity solutions for freight transportation and logistics on an West-East green axis through telematics and ICT solutions


Installing and trialing an electric car sharing network in the industrial zones of Strassen, Cloche d’Or and Kirchberg

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