The Demand Gen Fix Podcast

The Demand Gen Fix Podcast

Marketing Services

St. Paul, MN 73 followers

For HR tech marketers that are ready to break through the clutter of the crowded market and crush those revenue goals.

About us

B2B buyer behavior is changing and traditional lead generation tactics just don’t work the way they used to. Enter demand generation – a strategy that caters to the way buyer’s actually want to buy. Join us for interesting conversations around how to create a catalyst for growth by building your company’s demand generation engine. This podcast is for HR technology marketers and leaders – as well as any other B2B marketer that is ready to break through the clutter of a crowded market and crush those revenue goals.

Marketing Services
Company size
11-50 employees
St. Paul, MN
HR technology, B2B marketing, Demand Generation, Growth Marketing, Work Tech, HR Tech, and Work Technology


  • The Demand Gen Fix Podcast reposted this

    What Happens When Bob Leaves? At GrowthMode Marketing, we often encounter B2B companies claiming "superior customer service" as their key differentiator. But think about that for a minute—what happens if your star team member, like Bob, leaves? Does your claim still hold? Is "superior customer service" really a differentiator? Table Stakes, Not Differentiators: Features like superior customer service, quick onboarding, and robust integration are expected by today’s buyers. They are the minimum, not a mark of distinction. Risky Reliance: Relying on exceptional individuals for your customer service reputation is inherently risky. People move on, and your supposed differentiator vanishes overnight. True Differentiation: Look beyond the basics. What truly sets your product apart in a crowded market? Innovate in areas that can't be easily replicated or aren't as vulnerable to changes in staff or process. Sustainable Practices: Build systems and a culture that support consistent service excellence, not reliant on individuals but on the organization as a whole. "Superior customer service" is excellent, but when everyone claims it, it's time to find more concrete ways to stand out. Don’t ask if your service is superior; ask how your product uniquely solves problems. Hear more about differentiation in HR tech marketing in episode 50 of The Demand Gen Fix at: #BusinessStrategy #CustomerService #Differentiation #B2Bmarketing

  • The Demand Gen Fix Podcast reposted this

    Five Keys to Align Messaging with Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Monitor Engagement: Keep a close watch on how your audience interacts with your content. High engagement with low conversion suggests the need for strategic patience, while low engagement calls for a reassessment of your approach. Identify Issues: Understand whether the problem is the message itself or the audience's current readiness to engage. Persistence is key if engagement is high but slow-moving. Test and Vary Messages: If your content isn’t resonating, experiment with different messaging to discover what works with your audience. Engage with Your ICP: Meet with or interview your ideal customers to gain insights into their actual needs and preferences. This feedback is invaluable for refining your messaging and their perspective might have changed since the messaging platform was created. Refine Message Positioning: Use the insights gathered to ensure your messaging accurately addresses the pain points and needs of your ICP, enhancing its effectiveness. By following these steps, HR Tech marketers can ensure their content not only reaches but also resonates with their target audience, leading to more effective conversions. Hear more on this topic in episode 54 of The Demand Gen Fix podcast at: #MarketingStrategy #ContentMarketing #B2BMarketing #HRTech

  • Is Your Website Turning Away Potential Customers? 🎙️ In Episode 57 of The Demand Gen Fix, we discuss why your homepage might be the first and last place prospects visit. Anyone who lands on your page needs to instantly understand what you offer. If they can't, they won't dig deeper—they'll just leave. Your homepage is a key tool for engaging potential customers. Make sure it clearly communicates who you are and what you do, so prospects don't bounce off to a competitor. Don't let your first impression be their last! Tune in to Episode 57 to hear more: #TheDemandGenFix #MarketingTips #WebsiteOptimization #B2BMarketing

  • New Series Alert: Dialing in Your Marketing Levers Join Deanna and Greg in Episode 57 as they kick off an exciting series exploring the 12 levers, from strategy and budget to brand identity and sales alignment, that drive marketing success. Whether your campaigns are soaring or you’re struggling to meet revenue targets, understanding these levers can significantly enhance your marketing effectiveness. We start with two fundamental levers—Audience and Positioning. Mastering these can transform your strategy from good to great. Tune in to Episode 57 and consider refining your approach to boost results: #MarketingStrategy #DemandGen #B2BMarketing #MarketingSuccess

  • In the crowded HR Tech marketplace, casting too wide a net with your marketing can lead to lackluster results. It’s important to focus and directly address the specific pain points of a well-defined audience segment. If you try to speak to everyone with broad messaging it usually resonates with no one. By narrowing down your audience and aligning your message to specific needs, you not only enhance market traction but also move more deals forward efficiently. Focus doesn't limit your potential; it enhances it. Tailor your marketing efforts to target the problems of your ideal customer profile, increasing relevance and impact. While you can still serve a broader market, concentrated messaging drives deeper engagement where it counts. Hear more about making every message count from Deanna Shimota and Greg Padley, PCM®, CDMP in episode 50 at: #MarketingStrategy #B2BMarketing #HRtechMarketing #SalesEnablement #TargetedMarketing

  • Persistence Pays Off: Why Trying Again Matters In episode 56 of The Demand Gen Fix Podcast, we explore why you can't rush buyer readiness. The key to re-engaging cold prospects isn't pushing for a quick sale, but demonstrating value and relevance at their pace. If a prospect isn't ready, no amount of pressure will make them buy. Instead, assess any gaps in engagement, understand their needs, and approach them with solutions that align with their business objectives. Keep trying, and adjust your strategy based on feedback and results. Persistence in refining your approach and reiterating your value can warm up the coldest leads. Stay committed to understanding and meeting your prospects' needs, and success will follow. 🎧 Tune in for practical tips on patient and effective prospect engagement: #HRtechMarketing #B2BMarketing #Persistence #DemandGen

  • The Demand Gen Fix Podcast reposted this

    Five Keys to Align Messaging with Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Monitor Engagement: Keep a close watch on how your audience interacts with your content. High engagement with low conversion suggests the need for strategic patience, while low engagement calls for a reassessment of your approach. Identify Issues: Understand whether the problem is the message itself or the audience's current readiness to engage. Persistence is key if engagement is high but slow-moving. Test and Vary Messages: If your content isn’t resonating, experiment with different messaging to discover what works with your audience. Engage with Your ICP: Meet with or interview your ideal customers to gain insights into their actual needs and preferences. This feedback is invaluable for refining your messaging and their perspective might have changed since the messaging platform was created. Refine Message Positioning: Use the insights gathered to ensure your messaging accurately addresses the pain points and needs of your ICP, enhancing its effectiveness. By following these steps, HR Tech marketers can ensure their content not only reaches but also resonates with their target audience, leading to more effective conversions. Hear more on this topic in episode 54 of The Demand Gen Fix podcast at: #MarketingStrategy #ContentMarketing #B2BMarketing #HRTech

  • Slashing Your Marketing Budget Is Like Neglecting Your Garden 🌱 In episode 53 of The Demand Gen Fix Podcast, Greg Padley, PCM®, CDMP shares (yet another ?!?) analogy highlighting the risks of cutting your marketing budget. Imagine your prospects as a garden: if you stop watering it during a drought, everything wilts. Once the damage is done, reviving it becomes a much larger challenge. Even in tough times, maintain your marketing efforts to some degree. Completely turning off the investment is like stopping the watering of your garden; it's much harder to revive when conditions improve. Studies consistently show that companies investing in marketing during economic downturns not only survive but thrive and outperform competitors when the market rebounds. Don’t let short-term cuts undermine long-term growth. Keep nurturing your garden of prospects, and be ready when the market recovers 🌷 🎧 Listen to Episode 53 for more on why consistent marketing is key: #MarketingStrategy #EconomicDownturn #HRTechMarketing #B2BMarketing

  • Reviving Cold Leads with Strategic Content In episode 56 of The Demand Gen Fix Podcast, Deanna Shimota discusses how marketing teams can empower sales with effective tools to re-engage prospects that have gone dark. Deanna suggests marketers help their "sales team turn routine follow-ups into value propositions. Provide them with relevant content that not only re-engages but also nurtures the prospect throughout their decision-making process." Value-driven follow-ups, instead of routine check-ins, equip your sales team with content-rich playbooks. These should include industry insights or recent research that adds value to every follow-up, transforming "just checking in" emails and calls into opportunities to educate and engage. By continually delivering valuable information, your sales team can effectively rekindle interest and maintain a connection that encourages prospects to reconsider their engagement. Listen to Episode 56 for more insights on integrating marketing strategies with sales initiatives to enhance lead re-engagement. Tune in now 🎧 #SalesEnablement #ContentMarketing #LeadNurturing #B2BMarketing 

  • Dig into the art and science of attracting and engaging high-intent buyers in episode 55 of The Demand Gen Fix Podcast. Discover insights and strategies that can transform your marketing efforts including: ✅ How to create content that draws in buyers actively seeking solutions. ✅ How to use intent data technology to pinpoint companies that are in the market for what you offer. ✅ Understand the mechanics behind digital ads and retargeting that not only reach but engage your target audience. ✅ Why establishing credibility is essential before you can expect engagement from prospects. ✅ How to mix short-term lead generation tactics with a long-term marketing strategy to maximize impact. Don’t miss these tips that could elevate your demand generation to new heights. Listen now: #DemandGen #MarketingStrategy #B2BMarketing #DigitalMarketing 

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