Three Critical Data Privacy Blunders That Doom AI Projects
© Copyright 2024 Debbie Reynolds Consulting, LLC

Three Critical Data Privacy Blunders That Doom AI Projects

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Many organizations are riding high on the wave of AI evolution, eager to leverage AI in their work and businesses to gain efficiencies and bragging rights about being early adopters of leading-edge AI technologies. The promise of AI lies in its ability to automate processes, generate insights from vast amounts of data, and create less time to gain insights to enhance decision-making capabilities. However, technology is a double-edged sword. While AI can benefit organizations and data subjects significantly, its complexity can also introduce project-derailing Data Privacy challenges that many large and small companies may not have previously contemplated. If not addressed properly, these challenges can doom AI projects to fail, leading to wasted resources, regulatory penalties, loss of revenue, and a loss of customer trust. Here are three critical Data Privacy blunders that doom AI projects and how organizations can avoid them: ensuring that data collection and retention risks do not outweigh the benefits, maturing data governance practices to enhance transparency, and maintaining proper context and purpose in data collection and retention.

Data Privacy Blunder #1: The Data Collection / Data Retention Risks Outweigh the Benefits to the Data Subjects

With the rising rate of cybersecurity breaches, people are becoming more selective about whom they trust with their data. There is an innate understanding that more personal data creation equates to more unnecessary risk for data subjects. More risk means more responsibility for the organizations who collect this data and should not translate into a greater burden for the data subject.

Organizations often collect vast amounts of data, assuming that more data will lead to better insights and improved AI performance. However, this approach can backfire when the risks of collecting and storing large volumes of personal data outweigh the benefits. For example, a breach exposing sensitive personal information can lead to severe regulatory, financial, and reputational damage. As privacy regulations become more prevalent, organizations face increased scrutiny from regulators and data subjects that may result in potential fines for mishandling personal data and revenue losses when data subjects lose trust.

How to Avoid This Blunder:

  • Minimize Data Collection - Only collect data necessary for the specific AI project. Avoid the temptation to gather more data than needed "just in case" it might be useful. This reduces risk for organizations and demonstrates respect for data subject privacy.

  • Implement Data Anonymization - Use techniques to anonymize data wherever possible, reducing the risk to data subjects if a breach occurs. This could include removing personally identifiable information (PII) and using differential privacy techniques or synthetic data to train AI models.

  • Regular Data Audits - Conduct audits of data collection and retention practices to ensure they align with current business needs and fundamental Data Privacy standards. These audits can help identify and rectify unnecessary data collection or storage practices that may increase organizational data risks.

  • Data Subject Consent and Control - Ensure that data subjects are fully informed about the data being collected and why, and provide clear options to opt in and opt out to control their data. Transparent consent processes build trust and alignment with fundamental Data Privacy standards and data subject expectations.

Data Privacy Blunder #2: Immature Data Governance Compounds Transparency Problems

Growing Data Privacy regulations require more transparency in how organizations manage personal data than ever, and data subjects also demand greater transparency in company data practices to establish and maintain trust. When organizations have immature data governance practices, adding AI introduces more complexity and often reduces, not improves, transparency. Mature data governance practices are foundational to creating the necessary level of transparency vital in AI data use.

Immature data governance often manifests as inconsistent data management policies, lack of clear data responsibilities, and inadequate data quality controls. When an organization with such weaknesses implements AI, it exacerbates existing problems and creates new ones. AI systems rely heavily on high-quality, well-governed data to function correctly. AI models in immature data governance organizations can produce more biased or inaccurate results without robust data governance, leading to further data subject and stakeholder mistrust.

How to Avoid This Blunder:

  • Develop Robust Data Governance Policies - Establish clear, comprehensive, and actionable policies outlining how data should be managed, used, and protected from cradle to grave to cover the entire data lifecycle. This includes defining data responsibilities, establishing data stewardship roles, and setting data quality standards.

  • Regular Training and Updates - Ensure that all employees are regularly trained on data governance practices related to emerging technologies like AI used in enterprise projects and that these practices are updated to keep pace with evolving regulations and new technology use cases. Continuous education helps maintain high standards and adaptability.

  • Implement Transparency Mechanisms - Use transparency-enhancing tools and practices, such as data flow diagrams and clear documentation, to make data practices visible and understandable to regulators, stakeholders, and data subjects. Tools like data catalogs and lineage tracking can help achieve this transparency within organizations.

  • Monitor and Enforce Compliance - Monitor compliance with data governance policies and enforce them rigorously to ensure that all data-related activities are transparent and accountable. Regular internal audits and compliance checks help maintain adherence and allow organizations to change when needed to account for new data use cases and AI technology projects.

Data Privacy Blunder #3: The Data Collection / Data Retention Lacks the Proper Context and Purpose

Organizations have multiple data systems and ways of using data. As a result, when data flows into organizations, it often loses its context and purpose as it gets duplicated multiple times in transit. When personal data is collected, the purpose of the data collection often does not travel with the data throughout the organization, creating a recipe for AI data project disasters. Proper data lineage, including all data flows and uses, is as important as data provenance—the legal right to collect or retain the data in the first place.

When data is collected without a clear and documented purpose, it becomes nearly impossible to manage and protect effectively. This lack of context leads to several issues: data may be used inappropriately, increasing the risk of privacy violations; data quality may degrade as it gets duplicated and fragmented across systems; and regulatory compliance becomes difficult as organizations cannot demonstrate the lawful basis for data processing nor the ways to effectively delete the data.

How to Avoid This Blunder:

  • Establish Data Lineage Practices -  Implement practices to track the lineage of data, ensuring that its origin, movement, and transformation are well-documented and understood. Data lineage tools can help visualize the data flow and identify potential risk points.

  • Contextualize Data Collection -  Always collect data with a clear, documented purpose and ensure that this purpose is maintained throughout the data lifecycle. This may include tagging data with metadata that explains its source and intended use.

  • Limit Data Duplication -  Minimize unnecessary data duplication and ensure that all copies of data maintain the same context and purpose. 

  • Regularly Review Data Retention Policies -  This is a huge organizational risk area. Ensure that data retention policies are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the current needs and purposes of the organization’s AI projects. These policies should align with actual data practices and be an operational, not an aspirational, document or process. This includes setting clear retention periods and securely disposing of no longer needed data.

While AI offers tremendous potential for efficiency and innovation, it also brings significant Data Privacy challenges that can doom AI projects if not properly managed. By recognizing and addressing these three critical Data Privacy blunders—ensuring that data collection and retention risks do not outweigh the benefits, maturing data governance practices to enhance transparency, and maintaining proper context and purpose in data collection and retention—organizations can set the stage for successful AI implementations. Implementing these strategies helps safeguard Data Privacy and builds trust with data subjects and regulators, ultimately contributing to the long-term success of AI initiatives and making Data Privacy a Business Advantage.

Do you need Data Privacy Advisory Services? Schedule a 15-minute meeting with Debbie Reynolds, The Data Diva.

Need a Keynote Speaker on "Data Privacy", Data Protection, and Technology issues? View our keynote speaker page for popular talks and topics. Ready to speak to "The Data Diva" about your speaking event? Fill out our speaker request form and Schedule a call now.

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva" Keynote Addresses

I'm thrilled to extend my heartfelt thanks to Volkswagen Credit, USDA, Ally Financial, National Grid, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Northwestern Mutual, PayPal, Coca-Cola, FRTIB, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, WestRock, Capital Group, Johnson & Johnson, Uber, S&P Global, FDIC, DHL Supply Chain, The Erikson Institute, and Rubrik for the privilege of being your Keynote Speaker. Your commitment to innovation and excellence is inspiring, and I'm honored to have contributed to your events.

The Pact Data Privacy Trust Framework

Debbie Reynolds, "The Data Diva," launched the PACT "Data Privacy" Trust Framework & Scorecard. This Framework can evaluate regulatory and business risk and the Trust of individuals around "Data Privacy". This is a gut check for organizations of all sizes to rate and triage their "Data Privacy" challenges. This Framework addresses Purpose, Alignment, Context, and Transparency. Watch this video to learn the basics as Debbie Reynolds explains the PACT Data Privacy Trust Framework & Scorecard in 6 minutes.

Download our four-page PACT Framework Document here!

Visit our website to learn more about the PACT Data Privacy Trust Framework & Scorecard.

Do you need a Data+Privacy+Technology Workshop? Here are the top ten most requested Data Privacy Workshops for 2024:

  1. Generative AI and the Future of Cybersecurity and Data Privacy in the Enterprise

  2. Understanding Digital Assets: An Introduction to Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Concerns for Business

  3. Web 3.0 and the Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity and Data Privacy for Businesses

  4. The Importance of Data Literacy in the Era of Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

  5. Navigating the Landscape of Emerging Data Types: Key Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Insights for Businesses

  6. Future Threats to Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: The Importance of Post-Quantum Cryptography for Businesses

  7. Navigating the Cybersecurity and Privacy challenges of the Internet of Things

  8. Navigating the Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Implications of Facial Recognition and other Biometric Technologies

  9. Navigating the Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Implications of the Metaverse: A Business Guide to Virtual and Augmented Reality

  10. The Five Fundamentals of Data Privacy and Data Protection Regulations

Each 120-minute workshop structure includes:

  • Introduction and overview (10 minutes)

  • Three poll questions (5 minutes)

  • Part A - Main presentation (35 minutes)

  • Part A - Breakout group activity Case Study Scenario #1 (10 minutes)

  • Part B - Main presentation (35 minutes)

  • Part B - Breakout group activity - Case Study Scenario #2 (10 minutes)

  • Question & Answer - group discussion and wrap-up (15 minutes)

Materials Provided:

  • Presentation Materials (PDF)

  • Take Away Checklist (PDF)

  • List of Additional Resources (PDF)

Do you need a workshop? Schedule a 15-minute meeting with Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva" to discuss your needs.

🎉 “The Data Diva” Talks Privacy Podcast Hits 300,000+ Downloads! 🎉

🌍 I am thrilled to announce that Debbie Reynolds and "The Data Diva" Talks Privacy podcast has reached a major milestone - 300,000+ downloads as of July 2024! 🎧

🙏 I want to thank our amazing listeners from over 116 countries and 2,407+ cities worldwide. Your support and enthusiasm have been nothing short of extraordinary! Also, I want to recognize The Data Privacy Advantage Newsletter's 12,740+ subscribers who faithfully read, comment, and share our work. 🌎🌍🌏

Here are more of our accolades:

  • #1 Data Privacy Podcast Worldwide 2023 (Privacy Plan)

  • The 10 Best Data Privacy Podcasts In The Digital Space 2024 (bCast) 

  • Best Data Privacy Podcasts 2024 (Player FM)

  • Best Data Privacy Podcasts Top Shows of 2024 (Goodpods)

  • Best Privacy and Data Protection Podcasts of 2024 (Termageddon)

  • Top 40 Data Security Podcasts You Must Follow 2024 (Feedspot)

Watch a video short of our podcast on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, The Data Diva E191 - Kashta Graham, Chief Executive Officer, We Manage Trust (Jamaica). Here is a sneak preview of our Data Diva Podcast guests:

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2024, The Data Diva E191 - Kashta Graham, Chief Executive Officer, We Manage Trust (Jamaica)

  • Tuesday, July 9, 2024 The Data Diva E192 - Michael Roche, Founder, Executive Partner, and General Manager, Fintechnology Group (Authentication, AI, Fintech, Fraud)

  • Tuesday, July 16, 2024, The Data Diva E193 - Nneka J. McGee, Ed.D., J.D. Former Chief Academic Officer San Benito Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) Texas, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education Researcher and Advocate

  • Tuesday, July 23, 2024, The Data Diva E194 - Rex M Lee, Tech Journalist, Security Advisor, My Smart Privacy

  • July 30, 2024, The Data Diva E195 -The Honorable Judge John M. Facciola, Federal Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown Law

Don't miss the new weekly episodes of "The Data Diva" Talks Privacy Podcast, so listen and subscribe.

The Data Diva Talks Privacy Podcast offers podcast sponsorships. Each level reflects a different degree of involvement and support for the podcast, catering to a wide range of sponsors from different sectors of the privacy community. If your organization is interested in exploring podcast sponsorship, please contact us!

  • Privacy Visionary: This is the highest sponsorship level, designed for those deeply invested in privacy. Sponsors at this level typically receive maximum exposure and benefits, such as prominent branding opportunities, an exclusive speaking slot, and significant recognition in our newsletter materials.

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In addition, and by popular demand, we have expanded our Influencer offerings to include:

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Want to be a podcast sponsor to reach a broader audience? Schedule a 15-minute meeting with Debbie Reynolds, the Data Diva.

Many thanks to "The Data Diva" Talks Privacy Podcast Sponsor and Privacy Visionary, Smartbox AI, for sponsoring this episode and supporting our podcast., named British AI Company of the Year, provides cutting-edge AI, helps privacy and technology experts uniquely master their Data Request challenges, and makes it easier to comply with Global data protection requirements, FOIA requests, and various US state privacy regulations. Their technology is a game-changer for anyone needing to sift through complex data, find data,  and redact sensitive information. With clients across North America and Europe and a major partnership with Xerox, is bringing its data expertise right to our doorstep, offering insights into navigating the complex world of global data laws. For more information about Smartbox AI, visit their website at

Do you need a Data Diva Exclusive? Courtesy of Data Diva Media and "The Data Diva," in cooperation with our podcast's generous supporters, I am happy to share some valuable exclusives with our newsletter subscribers.


Many thanks to "The Data Diva" Talks Privacy podcast supporter Integral, a group that is revolutionizing health data compliance. Top tech and pharma leaders trust Integral's Privacy Workbench platform to simplify and speed up the expert determination process, ensuring compliant de-identification of sensitive datasets. No more guesswork about privacy risks or remediation options—Integral’s continuous monitoring keeps your data consistent and secure. Curious to streamline your data collaboration efforts? For more information about Integral, visit their website's Data Diva Link:

Welcome Data Diva Subscribers to a special Data Diva Offer by Duality!

Claim your Complementary Duality Privacy Enhancing Technology evaluation. One AI Architect from a Fortune 100 company said, "Duality is far more elegant, secure, and valuable than anything we’ve come up with." As privacy advocates, Duality offers free evaluations to identify the most useful PETs for you or your clients today. You'll get access to our security, privacy, IT, and data science experts, a guided overview of privacy technologies tailored to your needs, and a customized workflow based on your use cases. Access this offer here:

At 360ofme, we're thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our new Companion Products: Privacy Policy Co-pilot and Enterprise Privacy Pulse. Privacy Policy Co-pilot is an AI-driven tool that analyzes and grades your privacy policies, providing actionable improvement suggestions to boost customer trust. Enterprise Privacy Pulse lets organizations complete a self-assessment to evaluate their privacy practices and receive personalized insights for enhancement. Currently in beta, we invite you to sign up and be among the first 100 registrants to enjoy a 25% discount. Email 360ofme to take advantage of this offer at info@360ofme.

Many thanks to our Award-winning podcast sponsor, Safeguard Privacy, for offering a "Data Diva" exclusive offer! Get 15% off the first year of Safeguard Privacy compliance software using the code: DATADIVA15%

Courtesy of August 2022 Data Diva Podcast Guest Gal Ringel and Mine PrivacyOps, we are pleased to offer an exclusive discount to organizations. Thank you to our sponsor, Mine Privacy Ops, The first platform dedicated to handling Data Privacy operations while placing consumers and user experience at the center. #1 highest-rated Data Privacy Management Software, the #1 highest-rated DSR/DSAR Software, and the #1 highest-rated Sensitive Data Discovery Software in the industry on G2, the leading business software and services reviews platform. Use Mine PrivacyOps as your organization's Data Privacy management solution and receive a 20% discount on DSR, Data Mapping, and ROPA modules.

*To get the discount, contact [email protected] and add Datadiva20 to the subject line.

Technics Publications has graciously offered a Data Diva Promotion. Anyone who uses the coupon code TheDataDiva receives 20% off. The Promotional code is good for all books on the website, except DMBOK books. Visit the Technics Publications website now to take advantage of this offer.

Need a publication discount on Data Privacy books and digital products? Purchase any products (including Data Privacy books) from the Manning Publications website, and you can use The Data Diva's permanent 35% discount code (good for all our products in all formats) using the following code at checkout: poddatadiva22

Need a VPN, Internet Controls, and Virus Protection? Data Diva Podcast alumni guest for episode 60, Brad Hawkins, CEO of SaferNet, has a special offer! SaferNet provides a very easy-to-use 3-in-1 device-level Cyber Safety protection solution, including an award-winning VPN, Internet Controls, and Virus Protection. SaferNet is ideal for individuals and small to medium-sized businesses who want reliable data protection. "The Data Diva" herself loves the product! Go to and buy an annual SafeNet plan for 25% off, which can be paid monthly or annually using the case-sensitive code: datadiva

Need a Privacy-Friendly Internet Browser extension? Data Diva Podcast alumni guest for episode 28, Kelly Finnerty, Director of Brand and Content at Startpage, has a special offer! If you want more control over your Data Privacy and less behavioral tracking while surfing the Internet, look no further.

Install Startpage Privacy Protection Extension for Chrome and Firefox: Install the link here

The Ultimate Easy Peasy Guide to Dependable DPIAs by Jamal Ahmed

Introducing: The Ultimate Easy Peasy Guide to Dependable DPIAs by Jamal Ahmed, a previous "Data Diva" Talks Privacy Podcast alumni. Data Privacy isn’t just about protecting information; it’s about safeguarding trust, ensuring ethical responsibility, and preserving brand reputation.

Are you finding it challenging to navigate the complex world of Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)? Worry no more!

Jamal has developed the guide that takes the mystery out of DPIAs and puts YOU in control. Welcome to The Ultimate Easy Peasy Guide to Dependable DPIAs, your comprehensive guide to a confident data protection strategy.

Use the discount code “DataDiva” for 70% off this digital product.

See our recently featured five-minute videos on Data Privacy from The Data Diva:

Data Privacy And ASCII Art AI Risk

Data Privacy And Student Data College Board Privacy Violations

Discusses Data Privacy And Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS)

Data Privacy And Daniel's Law

Data Privacy And Washington State AI-Enhanced Video Evidence

Do you want to see more original video content on emerging Data Privacy topics? Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified about each week's new video.

Many thanks to the press organizations and reporters who seek my commentary on important events around Data Privacy. Also, here are links to some of my other media collaborations. Here is a collection of a few of my 2023-2024 media mentions and collaborations:

”With more data from humans and the rapid adoption of AI technologies, organizations will need to think about Data Privacy as a business problem and a business risk.” – Debbie Reynolds in VPNRanks Article

Please see our website media mention section for a full list of media mentions.

Do you need more Data Diva Events?

  • Join Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva”, and Leonard Lee, the Executive Analyst and founder of neXT Curve, for a new 20-minute video series called "The State of Privacy and Trust". We will regularly address the critical topics related to #privacy and the growing concerns regarding #trust that is challenging every aspect of our society and lives. See the latest video called Privacy and Trust 2023 Overview and 2024 Predictions. Subscribe to the neXT Curve YouTube Channel to get notified when new episodes are posted.

Want to know where "The Data Diva" is speaking next?

  • Please see our Events page for upcoming speaking engagements.

#privacy #cybersecurity #datadiva #dataprivacy

We're excited to announce the launch of Pamela Isom's new podcast, "AI or Not," produced by Data Diva Media! Tune in on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, for an engaging and enlightening experience. Guest #1 will be Debbie Reynolds, "The Data Diva", in episode one!

"AI or Not" is the podcast where digital transformation meets real-world wisdom. Hosted by Pamela Isom, a seasoned leader with over 25 years of experience in guiding businesses through digital disruption and transformation, this show explores the intersection of artificial intelligence, innovation, cybersecurity, ethics, and technology. With awards recognizing her as a change agent and digital disruptor, Pamela brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the table.

The show demystifies the complexities of AI and emerging technologies, shedding light on their impact on business strategies, governance, product innovations, humanity, and societal well-being with esteemed guests from around the globe. Whether you're a professional seeking sustainable growth, a leader navigating digital ethics, or an innovator striving for meaningful impact, "AI or Not" offers insights, experiences, and discussions to illuminate your path in the digital age.

"AI or Not" Listen to and subscribe to this podcast.

Data Diva Media is a media production operation providing world-class video and podcast editing services.

Our Media Services include:

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Ready to start your media project with "Data Diva" Media? Visit our Data Diva Media Website Page for more details and to schedule a meeting with the "Data Diva" Talks Privacy Podcast

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Marko Dinic

CEO @ Jatheon | Why not archive all your information forever? 👋


Anyone who wants to safely implement AI within their organization should read this article, Debbie.

Jan B.

Beta-tester at Parrot Security* Polymath*


Welcome and a tea for me TY Debbie Reynolds

Alexandre BLANC Cyber Security

Advisor - ISO/IEC 27001 and 27701 Lead Implementer - Named security expert to follow on LinkedIn in 2024 - MCNA - MITRE ATT&CK - LinkedIn Top Voice 2020 in Technology - All my content is sponsored


Great insight Debbie, amazing as always !

Brigitte Collier, D.Sc

PMP, CISM, CIPM, AIGP, Strategic Leader in Cybersecurity, Privacy, Risk, & Agile | Driving Project Success, Reducing Risk, Scaling Agile, & Ensuring Ethical AI Governance | Aligning Tech Initiatives with Business Goals


Thanks for sharing

Tony Charge

Chief Executive of GameChanger Pty Ltd and President of Australian Risk Policy Institute


Great article!! ARPI's Risk 4.0 supports Debbie's solutions. #ARPIRRiskPolicy #strategicriskpolicy Ivan Savov, FARPI Gill Savage FARPI

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