Interview Advice

Interview Advice

“You'll never have a second chance to create a good first impression”

You've impressed them with your CV and covering letter, and now you've got that all-important interview. But don't rest on your laurels, read this section for some handy tips on how to prepare for your interview.

Do your homework – I cannot stress enough how important this part is

Don’t just research the company from their website, DIG DEEPER and find out interesting facts about the company. It will make you stand out.

In an interview I once mentioned that today was the 80th anniversary of their first workshop opening in London and also mentioned my awareness of their new medical vehicle being used in disaster areas, which was a technological breakthrough.

Before the big day, visit the organisation's website, as most have information on careers.

Read up on the skills they're looking for and whether you meet those requirements.

Then think about any examples you can talk about that demonstrate those skills.

Some companies invite you to meet their team or have an overview of their Senior Management personnel on their website, have a look for through it, it will give you a better insight to their structure and organisation and you may even find some interesting facts that you can bring up in the interview.

Interviewers are likely to ask you for examples of times you've demonstrated a particular skill or behaviour. That's because they know previous behaviour can help predict your future performance.

Know who you are meeting

Make sure you know the correct name/s of the interviewer/s and what their position is, many companies with have HR interview you first – don’t underestimate how important it is to impress them as well as the person who will eventually hire you.

Plan your travel and expect the unexpected

Little is worse than getting lost or being late for an interview.

Take the number of the company with you in case you need to contact them.

Make sure you know where you are going and be familiar with the traffic and parking situation

Of course, things can happen that are out of your control and it’s important to inform your interviewer if you're going to be late, if you can’t get hold of the interviewer speak to their assistant or the receptionist and make sure they know you are on your way.

Leave early for your interview and you'll feel more prepared and composed on arrival.

Prepare the questions you want to ask

You want to demonstrate that you've researched the organisation and you're interested in them, so prepare a question or two to ask.

Perhaps you read something about the organisation that captured your interest.

Or you might want to ask the interviewer what they most enjoy about working for the organisation.

*(read more in our interview questions guide)

Don’t panic

It's natural to feel nervous before an interview. But don’t panic if things don’t go according to plan.

If a question throws you off track, ask for a moment to think about it and compose yourself. If you're really stressed, let your interviewer know; this will help them understand your situation and make you feel at ease.

If you don’t know the answer to a technical question be honest and tell them and move on.

They don't want to catch you out – they just want to see if you have the right skills and motivations for the role.

Be yourself

Give an accurate picture of yourself in the interview. Friends and family may have advised you about what to say, but it's best to be yourself. This way, you reveal your personality and make yourself appear much more relaxed.

Watch your body language

If, when under pressure, you tend to play with your hair, fiddle with a pen, bite your nails or anything else, try not to during the interview.

Instead, look your interviewer in the eye, sit up straight and never slouch.

Be confident – they invited you for an interview because they were impressed by your skills.

First impressions

First impressions count, so make sure you’re wearing something appropriate for the interview that's not too uncomfortable. Even if the company has a relaxed dress code it’s still important to wear something formal and smart, you can wear the jeans when you’re hired!

Your handshake is important, so look the interviewer in the eye, and shake firmly – although not with too much force!

Listen and answer the questions

You may have prepared answers for some questions. However, don't answer a question with a response that doesn’t relate to it.

Listen carefully to the interviewer and make sure you answer appropriately. Don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to elaborate or repeat themselves.

Change your examples

If an interviewer wants you to demonstrate your communication skills, team-working talents and business ability, don’t use the same example for every question.

Try to think of various ways to demonstrate your skills, perhaps by talking about things you do outside work or university.

Look interested

Smile, nod and show you’re interested in what your interviewer is saying.

If you look bored or don’t maintain eye contact, your interviewer may think you’re not interested in the job.

And above all be honest, if you make up a situation that didn’t happen an experienced interviewer has ways of finding out that it’s not true. Insincerity will almost certainly guarantee that you won’t get the job.

Be frank and enthusiastic when relaying situations and answering questions, about 80% of what you say in an interview is about the way you say it and engaging the interviewer.

They will remember you if you make a positive impression, they are looking for a good team fit with as well as relevant knowledge, skills and experience.

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