How do we feel about the scrapping of DECC?

How do we feel about the scrapping of DECC?

The turmoil from the decision of the majority of the British voting public to leave the European Union is still sending tremors around the UK and beyond, but the news today that the department that was so recently created (well it is 8 years ago now actually) to bring together the previously separate departments of energy and environment into the logical single entity that could decide on the inevitable policy trade offs within itself has come as something of a shock (to me at least.) The replacement is apparently going to be the Ministry of Business, Development and Industrial Strategy under the new minister, Greg Clark. 

Will this change result in the government reducing the importance of climate change as a priority, or will it "mainstream" (integrate into normal business) climate change issues and business sustainability? How do the rest of you feel about this? 

David Fatscher

Senior Engagement Consultant, ESG Reporting


The same thought crossed my mind (ie does this move suggest climate change is being sidelined or is it now so much the 'new normal' that it no longer needs to be a suffix). I'm inclined (perhaps naively, given the short-termism of government) towards the latter and consider it a positive step to link 'business' and 'resource efficiency', especially when coupled with 'industrial strategy'. In some ways, the loss of 'Innovation' from BIS is more surprising, unless (similarly) it is now accepted as so clearly a driver of Industry 4.0 that it no longer requires equal billing.

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