Celebration with Consideration

Celebration with Consideration

Like most of you, yesterday I heard and saw a woman of color be elected into the highest position of power in the USA for the first time. Kamala Harris, a person that looked like me, has childhood pictures with family in sari’s like me and shares the correct pronunciation of the name Kamala by shifting the sound of the letter 'a' to 'ah' -- IS confirmed as the Vice President-Elect of United States. I see possibilities in myself when I see her. 

When I heard Biden/Harris ticket has been declared the winner in the US Presidential race, my immediate reaction was to look for other signs that it was true. What was being said by various sources? As a woman of color, I have always needed more than one person’s word to believe something. I need to feel it in my bones.

When my body took in the confirmation of Kamala Harris as VP Elect, the rush of processing turned to joy for the reality of my wish. My inward acceptance immediately turned to a release of joy through tears. This expression of emotion was not loud or noisy and at the same time, it was open.

After the news, I felt lighter, calmer, more hopeful for humanity than I had in years. AND I felt self-righteous indignation. Angry at how a racist, xenophobic, white supremacist would be even an option for consideration of a vote. Playing over in my mind, all that has been wrong over the past years and feeling the strength in my moral superiority. 

Today is a new day. I reflect on the deep value of harmony that I hold. I breathe into my knowing that it starts with me. How do I need to move in the world, what can I do so I live into my belief of unity? 

Three truths I know right now:

  • In my celebration, I need to hold consideration for the millions of people who may not feel joy right now. Consideration is for human beings and not their views. This is a practice, as I can slip into focusing on views and then personalize them.  
  • Look at the human being I am speaking with. As human beings, we are not broken and we all deserve kindness. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a rollover and blindly accept others thoughts exercise. Consideration is taking a pause and a listening exercise. 
  • When connecting with others I am in disagreement with, the first step is to always listen for commonality. The second is to feel my truth and speak with consideration for the human being before me.

I believe the work of unity is more possible under the newly elected President and Vice-President of the USA. And I know my actions matter in building bridges of connectedness. 

By keeping the human being front and center, I have a greater chance of creating unity.  For me, this starts with holding consideration for others while I celebrate the win of Kamal Harris.   

Kanchan, in honour of the words you express herein, "keeping the human being front and centre", you emulate "being human" - unifying creation.

Rose-marie Fernandez

Inspirational Intercultural Voice | Escalating Intercultural Competency & Communications | Executive Coach | Professor | Facilitator | Consultant | Author | Inspirational Speaker |


I share your thoughts and sentiments Kanchan Prinsloo (she/her). It’s a fortuitous time to be really alive, to be of colour and to be a woman. Ours is the destiny to pave the way for other generations of women to lead a life of choice.

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