Associate Research Scientist, New York University. Chief Researcher to Social Psychologist, Jonathan Haidt.
A very powerful Pew report showing that of 24 nations, the United States ranks last in feeling close to others in their country, and second to last for feeling close to others in their local communities. And the groups who *least likely* to say they "feel close to others in their local community" are young and secular. For more on the impact of weakened local communities, check out Seth Kaplan's new essay on After Babel:
I think consciousness has been evolving and speeding up but still so many can’t quite grasp that the system is designed to divide us. The most rebellious and wise thing one can do is “love thy neighbor". Take a look around at who has significantly profited from the pandemic and then you will understand who the true enemy is.
Denmark wasn't even included in the research. Am super curious where DK would fall. I'd posit pretty far down the 'feeling close to others in their country' and 'feeling close to others in their local communities.'
In my experience at work I have also noticed this young, secular crowd expresses a very self centered focus and seem apt to say they are “put upon” or “oppressed”. They collapse when the world is facing bad or negative news. When I offer support or constructive help to these individuals it is often never taken advantage of. This has been what I’ve seen and experienced in my work place.
Jonathan Haidt it’s interesting to read across your work, what’s been written by others like Arthur Brooks Johann Hari and Scott Galloway and see the consistency of research that points to both a fundamental need for human connection and the dramatic erosion of those connections. I’ve contemplated a return to faith just as Arthur Brooks and Malcolm Gladwell have done, if only to be part of a group with shared values, but I think it’s time to build up what are atrophying social skills, like reading non-verbal cues, perspective taking and yes…storytelling. Call me a baseless optimist but I hope for a day when people work out those skills in the same way they work out their muscles, and with the same motivation: I need them for both longer lifespan and health span , and I will lose them if I don’t exercise them.
People of faith let’s reach out to our neighbors in love and be the friends that they need. Love unconditionally and point the way to the Cross and redemption.
Thanks for posting this. Does the Pew report offer any potential causes for these results?
Who could have guessed this might happen?
Such a powerful report, Zach Rausch. Thanks for sharing!
Michael who?
Founder Of TeenReconnect. Coach. Author. Trainer. I Work With Parents & Teens, Youth Coaches & Organisations To Empower Young People To Live Lives They Love. Created The Q Pathfinder App & The 7Q TeenReconnect Program.
3moLoneliness is at epidemic levels in developed economies with so many young people struggling to find a sense of belonging in our world. Many feel overwhelmed and also lack the presence of the essential 'good adult' to support them who has the updated skills now needed to be able to navigate this challenging transition with them in modern day life. Someone who they feel they can meaningfully connect with to be understood. Someone, they feel they can safely turn to when things go off the rails, who will get them without condition. The role of digital addiction has created a further barrier to connection and we know these devices are designed to be just that - addictive. We are wired for human connection and we need to create more of this in families, in our communities and in the workplace.