US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Post

We are so proud that EPA is ranked as one of the best places to work in the federal government by the Partnership for Public Service and Boston Consulting Group (BCG)! 5️⃣ EPA came in 5th place in the midsize agency category! We owe this achievement to our dedicated staff, who work tirelessly to make a positive impact on communities and the environment. 🙌 The rankings are based on responses from more than 1 million civil servants—the highest total in the history of the #FedBPTW! View a detailed breakdown of the rankings at

  • A teal graphic with a triangle patterned background. On the right is a shield shape with text "2023 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government. Top 10 edition in partnership with the Washington Post." A ribbon shape shows the logos for Boston Consulting Group, Partnersgip for Public Service, and Washington Post. Underneath that is and three stars. Text to the right reads, "This agency is one of the 2023 best plaves to work. Top 10 edition in partnership with the Washington Post. Visit for more information."
Diana L Lundelius, CHMM

Senior Enforcement Officer, USEPA Region 6. Fellow, Institute of Hazardous Materials Management. Adjunct Instructor, UTA ETI.


That's very motivational, but we can still do better. I want our agency to be up there with NASA. 🤔 💪 🤜

Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


The Importance of Evidence-Based Science Data for Counties: Counties need evidence-based science data to improve reduced immune health symptoms in humans and to reduce energy bills over time. By using reliable scientific data, counties can implement effective public health measures, enhance indoor air quality, and promote healthier environments. This approach not only supports better immune function and overall health but also optimizes energy efficiency in buildings, leading to significant cost savings for residents and businesses.

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Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


Prioritize Indoor Environmental Quality Guidelines to Safeguard Public Health.. Get to the Source 🧫🧪 to save lives and curb healthcare inflation over time.. Political leaders must prioritize Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) guidelines to protect public health. People take thousands of breaths indoors daily, and poor IEQ can cause respiratory and cardiovascular issues. Focusing only on the economic benefits overlooks the need for healthy, safe indoor air for everyone. Prioritizing health over profits will reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of life. #ESSMartinLowOrgansfunctionResearch

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Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


Why don’t we tell kids the truth? They won’t pass a physical to get into the military at 18 if they have asthma or other low organ functions. Let them know that indoor VOCs, CO2, and other pollutants can harm them. It's better to find a work-from-home career because Uncle Sam doesn’t test for indoor environmental quality in public spaces, which are directly linked to rising healthcare cases and energy bills due to the microbes and airborne pathogens in poor indoor environments. Additionally, uninformed people are taking medications and vaccines to try to adapt to the unregulated indoor environments..

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Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


As long as politicians and lawmakers continue to ignore HCHO, VOCs, CO2, Etc as well as other toxic indoor air pollutants, people with respiratory and allergy disadvantages and disabilities will continue to suffer. Additionally, new individuals will experience reduced immune system function and associated health problems. Prioritizing profits over public health will ultimately harm everyone over time..#ESSMartinResearch

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Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


As long as politicians and lawmakers continue to ignore HCHO, VOCs, CO2, Etc as well as other toxic indoor air pollutants, people with respiratory and allergy disadvantages and disabilities will continue to suffer. Additionally, new individuals will experience reduced immune system function and associated health problems. Prioritizing profits over public health will ultimately harm everyone over time..#ESSMartinResearch

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Debra McGhee

Beginning a new adventure as a FEMA Civil Rights Cadre Reservist


Hooray EPA. The work of the EPA , protecting humans from environmental damage and protecting the environment from humans, is incredibly important. Having worked for the EPA , I can say that the professionals I interfaced with were dedicated, ethical, compassionate and practical--everything you would want in a civil servant. Happy to see the EPA recognized in this fashion.

Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


Please share the message with all federal, state, local, governments, non profits, and for profit suppliers influenced by lobbyists pushing 💊💉 on our organs for decades and refusing to get to the IEQ/IAQ source to help offset the onset.. To All Non-Profits and others, It's incredibly wrong that adults and children with respiratory challenges are mistreated by leaders ignoring emissions in schools, workplaces, and rental properties. The fatigue and health events I and others have experienced for decades are unacceptable. When you investigate building health, it becomes clear that emissions cause health and energy costs to continue rising. We need your help to advocate for healthier indoor environments. Your support can make a difference in ensuring clean, safe air for everyone, reducing fatigue, improving health triggers, and cutting down on medical expenses. Let's work together to protect our communities and future generations from the harmful effects of emissions in buildings. Sincerely, Thomas E. Martin III Ps. Thanks President Biden & Whitehouse for leading by example:

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Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


Living with “red zone asthma” challenges from public emissions is challenging for me and others. While I maintain and monitor clean air at home and inside my car , public spaces pose significant risks. Exposure to vehicle and industrial emissions, indoor perfumes, odors, cleaning supplies, construction materials in buildings, paint, flooring, cabinets, indoor kitchen VOCs, indoor HCHO vapors off gassing, humidity, temperatures, mold spores, and dust mites and other bacteria and pathogens in unbalanced indoor air can trigger high risk for “severe asthma attacks”, causing stress and limiting our activities. The lack of concern for indoor air quality endangers future generations, increases health risks and energy costs. We need stronger regulations and support for zero emissions initiatives to protect our health and our children's future. Clean indoor air should be a basic right and not used as a weapon to control people or a scheme to prop up sales for manufacturers. Thank you WH for zero emissions!

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Thomas Martin III

Unlocking Evidence-Based Insights: Prioritizing Human Health and Building IEQ/IAQ Wellness


Poor IEQ attacks: Beware Spending Time in Commercial and Residential Units Without Proper Monitoring for Ventilation, Purification, and Filtration: The Only Way to Avoid Rising Energy and Health Triggers and Symptoms is to Embrace Evidence-Based Scientific Data! (See Attached Top 2. Points) Effects of Insulation Breakdown in the Ceiling: 1 Increased Energy Costs: ◦ Heat Loss/Gain: Damaged or deteriorated insulation allows heat to escape in winter and enter in summer, forcing the HVAC system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. 2. Health Problems: ◦ Moisture and Mold: Insulation breakdown can allow moisture to seep into the ceiling, promoting mold growth. Mold spores can aggravate asthma and allergy symptoms. ◦ Poor Air Quality: Gaps in insulation can lead to the infiltration of outdoor pollutants, dust, and allergens, worsening respiratory conditions. Signs of Insulation Breakdown: • Uneven Temperatures: Noticeable temperature differences between rooms. • High Energy Bills: Unexpected increases in heating and cooling costs. • Visible Damage: Sagging, wet, or moldy insulation material. • Drafts: Feeling drafts or cold spots. #Essmartinloworganfunctionresearch #Airqualitymatters #Healthfirst #IEQ

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