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For the annual AI City Challenge at CVPR, hundreds of teams from around the world tested their #AI models on physically based datasets generated with NVIDIA Omniverse.

NVIDIA Advances Physical AI at CVPR With Largest Indoor Synthetic Dataset

NVIDIA Advances Physical AI at CVPR With Largest Indoor Synthetic Dataset


C J Yang, MBA

Willingness to adept and get to know what the job requires. Team player passionate for developing teamwork and cultivating individuals reaching theirs potential. Collaborator with soft skills and results driven


awesome 😀

Sankalp Verma

Interior Design Graduate | Master’s Student in Architecture at AAU | Focused on Sustainable Urban Spaces


Great work cant wait to see its full potential!

Exciting to see AI being pushed to its limits for real-world applications! #CVPR #AI


--"Lingamgunta Hemanth: Pioneering Creativity and Innovation" A person who is skilled perfectly in all fields is often referred to as a "polymath" or a "Renaissance person." I think I am capable of this kind of phrase.


Impressive growth! Sir!

Sakhar Al Jahwari

Computer Science | Cybersecurity | Data Science |Programer


Impressive growth! To nvidia ai 🎉

Gian Miranda, RChE, RChT ⛈

UST Chemical Engineering Alumni Association BSChE Class of 2023 Alternate Representative | UST BSChE Cum Laude-Honor Graduate Eligible (Presidential Decree 907), Licensed Chemical Engineer, Licensed Chemical Technician


Best of luck!

Drew Thomas

I Automate Warehouses with Robots and AI --> Let's double your capacity with only 25% of the labor \\ System Integrator with over 25 years and $250MM of capital project experience \\ Founder of Oneiro Technologies


Tim Martin interesting

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