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What’s your #1 tip for balancing your passions at and outside of work? ⚖️

Take time for self-reflection and prioritization. It's easy to get pulled in many directions by the demands of work and other commitments. But to truly balance your passions, you need to take a step back periodically and reflect on what is most important to you. Start by making a list of your key passions and interests - both work-related and personal. Then, honestly assess how much time and energy you are currently devoting to each one. Are you giving enough attention to the things that truly fulfill and energize you? Or are you letting certain passions fall by the wayside? Once you have that clarity, you can start making intentional choices about how to allocate your time. Ruthlessly prioritize the top 2-3 passions that are most core to your happiness and fulfillment. Build those into your weekly schedule as non-negotiable commitments. For the other interests, get creative about how to fit them in - whether that's setting aside specific blocks of time, involving others to share the load, or finding efficient ways to pursue them. The key is being proactive and protective of your priorities, rather than letting everything else crowd them out. Balancing work and life passions takes discipline!

Eugene Brennan

Author, Embedded Software Developer, Electronics Designer, Industrial Automation Graduate etc. Open to work from home positions.


Any ideas Meta?

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Master’s at Acquired BUSINESS College


Not sure Meta. About this Question. Multi-media & work is a very subsequential. Meaning it; becomes subject to or ‘topic’. & recurring. Too. For me. & personally, it is a ‘Brekky’ idea. (Rest), or (To free from). :).

David Prieto Gonzalez

Propietario con experiencia en desarrollo y transacciones financieras.


Identifica tus pasiones: Haz una lista de lo que te apasiona tanto en el trabajo como en tu vida personal. Esto te ayudará a ver dónde puedes necesitar más equilibrio. Establece metas claras: Define qué quieres lograr en cada área de tu vida y establece metas que reflejen tus pasiones. Prioriza tu tiempo: Asegúrate de dedicar tiempo a tus pasiones personales, no solo a las laborales. Esto puede requerir decir “no” a ciertas demandas de tiempo en el trabajo. Integra tus intereses: Busca maneras de integrar tus intereses personales en tu trabajo, si es posible. Esto puede aumentar tu satisfacción y motivación. Desconéctate: Establece momentos en los que te desconectarás completamente del trabajo para disfrutar de tus pasiones personales. Reflexiona regularmente: Tómate un tiempo para reflexionar sobre cómo estás equilibrando tus pasiones y ajusta según sea necesario. Busca apoyo: Comparte tus esfuerzos por equilibrar tus pasiones con amigos, familiares o colegas que puedan ofrecerte apoyo y consejo. Recuerda que mantener un equilibrio saludable entre el trabajo y la vida personal es un proceso continuo y que está bien ajustar tus enfoques a medida que cambian tus circunstancias y prioridades

Not only my # 1 TYip but my ONLY TIP is : making my passions becoming my everyday Work, job ... Being my own BOSS, and making traditional and digital prepress easier and cheaper and greater for my customers, for now more than 14 years ;)

Ryan Holguin

Project Manager | Product Marketing | Building Scalable Systems for 30+ Product Launches Annually


Make time for what fills you up. If you’re satisfied outside of work, you will be able to perform at your highest level.

Carmen C.

Informatics Education Support Specialists | Problem Solving, Technology Security


Stay focused , collaborate with others , and if we have a bad day know that tomorrow the goal is for it to be a better one ! Outside of work , I walk my dog, work out , and spend family time.

Love yourself, love life, forgive, be grateful, laugh, cry, shout, and smile ❤️


Je révolutionne vos parcours de formation avec la Réalité Virtuelle, en alliant innovation et immersion. Je dirige également le centre de formation IFFEN, dédié aux métiers de l'énergétique.


Ah, balancing work and passions is like juggling flaming torches while assembling IKEA furniture: it requires skill and a touch of magic. 🔥🛠️ My number one tip? Make sure to take a little nap at the office. Yes, really. Nothing says "I'm productive" like falling asleep on your keyboard and waking up with key imprints on your forehead. 💤💻 It proves you're so dedicated to your work that even your dreams are involved. Then, outside of work, become a time ninja: carve out secret moments for your passions, like a spy on a top-secret mission. 🕵️♂️🕰️ It makes life a lot more exciting (and maybe a bit more dangerous if you forget the meeting time). ⏰ So, juggle, sleep, spy, and most importantly, don't forget to laugh amidst it all. 😂 After all, life is far too short not to enjoy it with a big smile (and a few jokes along the way). 😄🎉

Nikhil Chaudhary

Performance Marketing Expert 👨🏻💻 | Growth Marketer 📈 | Data-Driven strategist💡 | Lifelong Learner 📚


I have two passions: Professional and Personal. For professional passion, work for the organization that understands it and helps you grow in the same field. For personal passion, like running/swimming/music, etc, I make sure to keep time after work or early morning. Laziness is the enemy of happy life.

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