Dear Friends and Family,
I am generally averse to asking people for money, so please accept this in the spirit in which it is sent.
Jamie Minacci has boldly decided to run for election as a Massachusetts State Representative for the Berkshire 3rd District. Jamie is devoting endless hours traveling across the District, attending local civic meetings, meeting and greeting voters at local town meetings, farmers' markets, little league tournaments and the like, to get out her message. And, her message is a good one. Jamie is a moderate Democrat, and, in brief, her agenda is focused on fostering economic development in our community so that local families can earn living wages, be able to afford comfortable housing, to properly educate their children, and have access to state-of-the-art healthcare without having to travel long distances,
I am proudly supporting this effort to the best of my ability. However, as we are learning, even a campaign at this level requires funding -- advertisements, flyers, sidewalk signs, mailings, websites and all the other promotional materials necessary to support a campaign are expensive. And, Jamie and I are limited by campaign finance rules in the amount of funds that we personally can contribute. Therefore, we must turn to others, including our families, friends and neighbors, and ask them to contribute.
If you are so inclined, and we are grateful if you are, you can Google ActBlue or go to and enter Jamie Minacci in the “Find Candidate” box. This will lead you to a secure page where you can make a contribution to this effort. If you prefer, you can also send a check payable to The Minacci Committee to me, Thomas Manisero, at P.O. Box 1671, Stockbridge, MA 01262. Contributions can be made by any U.S. citizen; you DO NOT need to be resident in the District or registered to vote, but the funds must come from your personal (not business) account, and the limit is $1,000 per person.
Thank you for considering this request, and "Go Jamie!"
Tom Manisero