From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Advanced Simulation

Exercise files

- [Instructor] If you have access to the exercise files for this course and you can download them to your desktop, you'll end up with a folder similar to this. These are the exercise files. So if we open them up, you can see they're split up by chapter and by video, so 01_01 is chapter one, video one. So if we open up that folder, we can see we got the starting state: the begin, and then the end of the exercise. So let's look at an example. This is con_rod_advanced. This is the starting point. Then if you want to come through to the end, this is the end state of that particular exercise. So, use the exercise files at any point in the course. You can pick a chapter and a video. You get the right file set up, ready to follow along, or, indeed, to review results at the end of it.
