From the course: Scaling Your Small Business

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What are channels

What are channels

- One of the beauties of marketing our business today is we have so many channels or avenues to reach our ideal customer. We have advertising, both offline and paper click, we have sales, we have public relations, referrals, search engine optimization, content marketing, social media, email marketing, even events. Now, used alone a lot of these are just growth channels. To scale, you have to exploit a number of new core channels and you also have to think about leveraging two concepts: virality and confluence. Now, those are just big words for getting a lot of people out there to share your business voluntarily for you. There are so many people that scale a business by multiplying those who know about your business and getting people to then do it for them. And again and again and again in that viral nature. Now the second concept of confluence, the idea there is that these channels used alone are often great for growth but when we want to talk about scale, we want to talk about how…
