From the course: Scaling Your Small Business

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Measuring what matters

Measuring what matters

- Keeping score is a vital part of scaling your startup. The very notion of scale implies that we are going to create hypergrowth, so we have to measure what that means. Now, there are a lot of false metrics out there that can lead you astray. I mean, you're not after site visits or even click-through rate. I mean, you might be, but they might not be that telling. Now, you might also be after trial subscriptions or downloads of some free e-book, only as they relate to the ultimate goal, which is conversion for scaling. You have to establish the numbers that are attached to every objective. In your planning sessions, not only do you want to have what the project is and who's going to do it, but how is it going to be measured so that you know you're achieving the result? What's your goal for customers? If you're going to scale your business, it has to be some target that you are trying to go to. How can you measure the viral nature of your marketing? We talk so much about that as being…
