From the course: Scaling Your Small Business

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Create viral loops

Create viral loops

- Now if you really want to take this idea of scaling seriously, maybe 10X-ing your business and adding that multiplication factor, you want to introduce something that is commonly called in marketing today a viral loop. So it takes advantage of this idea of viral, but it really kicks it up. So let's say you're already getting engagement with your content and you're capturing email addresses, a very common way to grow, say, your list, and your leads, and now let's incentivize those people to share that awesome thing that you produced with others. Let's offer them another upgraded free thing or more of your paid service or access or a trial of something else or early entry, some sort of discount that incentivizes them to share with three friends on social media, to help you get three signups using a special link. Now what you're doing is you're taking those three people who then get three people, who then get three people, who well, eventually you see, now we're talking about one…
