From the course: Programming Foundations: Open-Source Licensing

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The three basic licenses: Apache

The three basic licenses: Apache

- [Voiceover] The final license that will be covered in detail is the Apache License, which is now at version 2. This license is considered to be the most commercially favorable of all the open-source licenses. This license is administered by the Apache Software Foundation and you can find their site at Like the other licenses presented, the Apache License has general disclaimer language. Like the GPL, the Apache License contains a patent license grant. Unlike the GPL, however, there is no reciprocity and this is what makes the Apache License a commercially friendly license. This means, like the MIT, you're free to include Apache code in your proprietary code without the worry of affecting the copyright status of your existing proprietary code. Further, there is no requirement to share any or all of the modifications you make. What you need to make sure of in these cases is to clearly specify which code falls under certain licenses. It's a distinction you will want to make…
