From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Using the options bar for advanced wand control in Photoshop

Using the options bar for advanced wand control in Photoshop

From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Using the options bar for advanced wand control in Photoshop

- Let's explore the Options bar once again, especially as we work with the wand tools. It really comes in handy to get the best results. In Bridge, I'm going to select both these images and open up. Here's the original image. I like it, it's a wing on an old historic airplane, but I like the modified version with richer shadows a lot better. Let me show you how we did this. To start, I'm going to choose the Quick Selection Tool, and I'll set this to a basic selection to begin with. Right bracket is going to give me a bigger brush, and I can start to make my basic selection. Left bracket will give me a smaller brush, and it starts to combine. Now I'm going to choose Subtract for a moment, and remove this little bit here on the front of the wing. Not bad. Let's come over here and zoom in. Left bracket, smaller brush, and choose the Add option. I'm also going to choose Enhance Edge. This is going to do a nice job of cleaning…
