From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Selecting a sky in Photoshop

Selecting a sky in Photoshop

- Earlier we took a look at sky replacement. This time I'd like to explore some of the advanced controls and show you what you can do when you really want to change the mood of a scene. Let's go ahead and open up these images here. Here's my end state. You could see how we transformed everything and started to blend it together. Here's the original state. So what we want to do is replace the sky, but then do some advanced controls to not just replace the sky, which did work nicely, but to go a step further and actually bring that into the water, because that sky shouldn't just be there, it needs to be in some of those reflections so that they also pick up the color, and this option is not built into Photoshop, so I'm going to show you how to cheat. All right, let's build it. We've got our initial image, and I'll choose Edit, Sky Replacement. If sky replacement is something you love, there is a great tool that has…
