From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Improving selections with the Select and Mask command

Improving selections with the Select and Mask command

From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Improving selections with the Select and Mask command

- You've seen the selecting mass command do a good job on things like fur and hair. I really want to dig into this though because it is one of the trickiest things to get right. If you really take advantage of all of the options it can do an amazing job. Here, we have two different images. What I want to do is make an interesting adjustment where we make part of the photo black and white, layer in a little bit of a color, gently blending it, and then put the subject back on top in full color. This is a type of effect you might see in an advertisement where they want to knock the subject out in full color and then simplify the background, maybe for text or other types of treatment. Let me show you how it works. To start, let's begin with our subject here and I'll choose the wand tool and then come to select subject. Remember, use the cloud mode here for detailed results and click. This will analyze and attempt to find…
