From the course: Music Law: Managing a Band's Business

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Hiring a lawyer

Hiring a lawyer

- At some point, your band may need an attorney's advice, and the best way to locate one is through referrals from other bands, or musicians. It is also possible to locate, interview, and hire a music attorney through a lawyer referral service. For example, California Lawyers for the Arts runs a referral service that specializes in entertainment and patent attorneys. The Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, VLA in New York City,, also maintains a national directory of various organizations offering legal assistance for musicians. In addition, there are numerous online legal directories such as Avvo and Justia that offer online referrals. Keep in mind that a referral service cannot guarantee the quality of the attorney's services. Interview the attorney to determine if he or she has the experience necessary to handle your task. Find out information about fees, and if you decide to retain the attorney, make sure your fee agreement is with the band partnership, not an individual…
