From the course: Music Law: Managing a Band's Business

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- In the next series of videos I'll discuss tasks that are often handled by member-managers. I'll start with contracts. Contracts bind your band or you personally. They're written in legalese and they sometimes contain legal land mines. Some contracts, like management, recording, music publishing, and spec deals require special attention, because you are committing your band for a period of years, and/or transferring copyrights. You can tell if an agreement is transferring rights because it will include wording such as, "grant," "assign," "license," or "transfer." In those cases your band would benefit from an attorney's review. The good news is that I've already covered most of the important details for music contracts in my course, "Music Law: Recording, "Management, Rights, and Performance Contracts." That course discusses most common music agreements, and explains the typical trouble spots and how to avoid them. Also valuable, you'll find information about common, or "boilerplate"…
