From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 4 Configure and Manage Virtual Networking

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Lesson wrap-up

Lesson wrap-up

So in this lesson, we've talked a lot about VNets, virtual networks and Azure have an address space. They have to have at least one subnet. Usually you set up Network Security Groups when you set up your VNets so that you can control inbound and outbound traffic both to network interfaces for VMs and also to subnets. We talked some about VNet connectivity. One would be Service Endpoints, another Private Endpoints. So in both cases, the endpoint effectively gives VM workload access to an Azure service such as a storage account or Azure SQL, something like that. A Service Endpoint must be in the same region as the VM that that is connecting to it. A Private Endpoint is different. They can be in different regions. So the service itself could be in one region, the VM could be in another region. Private Endpoint essentially assigns a private IP address from the VNet where the VM resides. And so the VM thinks of it as a local access. We also talked about peering, which is one of the ways…
