From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 4 Configure and Manage Virtual Networking

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Implement Azure DNS

Implement Azure DNS

DNS is a service we're all familiar with. On the Internet it translates a friendly computer name or domain name into an IP address. It's really just a global network of zones, and zones are managed by people who own DNS names so that they can put in the relevant IP addresses for their own hosts or servers that they manage. Azure allows you to create DNS zones to manage hostnames in Azure as well. This is very convenient if you have several Azure VMs because you're already managing your VMs in Azure, perhaps you just want to manage your DNS names for those VMs in Azure as well. It's optional. You don't have to do this, but it can be a nice convenience. You can set up public DNS zones and so those will actually hook into DNS that's used on the Internet and to resolve hostnames for publicly deployed applications. You can also set up private DNS zones in Azure and those resolve hostnames on a VNet, typically used by VMs on a VNet to resolve hostnames. Setting up an Azure DNS zone is…
