From the course: Learning Brightspace by D2L

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Design a custom rublic

Design a custom rublic

- [Instructor] Sometimes in D2L, an assignment requires more fine-grained control than a basic holistic or analytic rubric might provide. For that, you're going to need a custom rubric. To create a custom rubric, begin by selecting New Rubric here on the Rubrics tool. Give your rubric a name, we'll use Sample Custom Rubric, and then provide a brief description of the rubric's purpose, if you'd like. Next, make sure the Rubric Type is set to Analytic, which will break the rubric assignment up into categories. And if you've already planned how many levels and criteria you're going to employ, you can specify those here. For our demo, we're going to need three criteria and five levels. Now comes the first big change from setting up a conventional rubric. Under Scoring Method, choose Custom Points. Here's the main difference between Points and Custom Points. In a standard points-based rubric, your ability to manipulate the values is limited. It's kind of an all and nothing grading setup…
