From the course: Learning Brightspace by D2L

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D2L ePortfolios

D2L ePortfolios

- [Instructor] Unlike most other elements of D2L, ePortfolios aren't managed at the instructor level, they're managed at the user level, so we're actually here in one of our student profiles. While you can create your own ePortfolio as an instructor, if you would like, this clip is mostly about helping you understand how ePortfolios function so you can decide how best to use them. To access the portfolios tool, instruct students to click on ePortfolio in the main banner of their homepage, or wherever you've provided access. The default ePortfolios tab is divided into several areas. First is a What Are You Learning text field, which functions like a notepad, where students can jot down reflections or insights, archiving a learning experience in real time. Below this, you've got an announcements area, which lists and archive a student's most recent D2L portfolio creations. In the right hand side of the screen, you've got the Build your ePortfolio area, where students have some quick…
