From the course: Learning Brightspace by D2L

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Customize the navigation bar

Customize the navigation bar - Desire2Learn Tutorial

From the course: Learning Brightspace by D2L

Customize the navigation bar

- [Instructor] The course navigation bar in D2L is the horizontal bar you see at the top of the screen, that contains links to various course components, including discussion boards, quizzes, submission assignments or any other feature D2L can offer. Usually you'll inherit a default navigation bar from your institution, but if you're building one from scratch or want to customize an existing navigation bar, here's how you take that step. First, go to the Course Admin page and then select Navigation and Themes. Then select Create Navbar. On the main navbar creation page, give your navbar a title. We'll call ours Sample Navbar and then add a description, if you'd like. The next step is to add links to your navigation bar. So choose Add Links. Most likely you're going to be adding system links or links that have already been created. We'll choose System Links and let's say we wanna add a link to the Assignments folder, the Course Administration page, the Discussion Board feature which is…
