From the course: Learning Brightspace by D2L

A note about D2L course organization - Desire2Learn Tutorial

From the course: Learning Brightspace by D2L

A note about D2L course organization

- [Instructor] Before we dive too deeply into the particulars of how to operate D2L, it's worth adding in a brief disclaimer here at the beginning, that what you're seeing in your specific university or institution interface, is almost certainly gonna be different than what we're demoing right here. One of the big advantages of D2L is that it allows institutions to customize a lot of the organization, specifically this part here, which is known as the nav bar. Institutions can go through this nav bar and add as many components as they would like in whatever order that they would like. And they also will frequently change appearance slightly by adding the specific crest for an institution or the logo there, for example. That's all gonna result in some slight variations. The bulk of work, though, is going to happen on the Course Administration page. In our organization you can get there through the right-hand side of the navigation bar. However you get to your course admin page, it might be slightly different, you may see it in a drop down or embedded somewhere else in support documentation, but the main thing you need to know going in is that most of the creation of site resources and adjusting functionality kind of all happens here. So when I go through these videos, we start a lot of times on this Course Administration page, just because even though there are different routes you may take to get to this page, this is where a lot of the functionality ultimately begins.
