From the course: Introduction to LEED Certification

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Key LEED terms to know

Key LEED terms to know

- Many projects neatly fit into one LEED rating system and adaptation, while some projects fit into two or more. For example, a two-story office building project with large retail on lower levels could fit into LEED for New Construction or LEED for Retail. In this situation, LEED has a solution called the 40/60 rule to help project teams decide on a rating system. This is how the 40/60 rule works. If a particular rating system is appropriate for 40% or less of a LEED project's gross area, then that rating system and adaptation should not be used. If a particular rating system and adaptation is appropriate for 60% or more of a LEED project, then that rating system should be used. What happens if the building functions are 50/50? Then it will be at the project team's discretion to choose as to which rating system and adaptation they will follow. All projects applying for LEED certification must meet a set of minimum program requirements referred to as MPRs. USGBC came up with these…
