From the course: Introduction to LEED Certification

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Innovation and regional priority

Innovation and regional priority

- There are 110 points available in the LEED rating system. So far, in this chapter, we discussed several aspects of green buildings that are evaluated and scored, adding up to 100 points. The LEED credits that earn the first 100 points can be achieved by meeting the requirements as clearly described in each credit. The next 10 points, on the other hand, can be achieved in various ways by implementing innovative solutions and addressing a project's regional environmental priorities. The innovation section recognizes projects for a few different reasons. The first one is implementing measurable and impactful innovative green building technologies, programs, and sustainable building practices and strategies. The second one, is showing exemplary performance by exceeding LEED credit requirements. The third is testing future LEED credits, called pilot credits. The list of available pilot credits can be found in the LEED Pilot Credit Library, and the last one is including at least one team…
