From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Cropping images

Cropping images

- [Instructor] An important part of using images is knowing when and how to crop images to tell perhaps a different story or maybe for other reasons. I'm here inside of Adobe Lightroom. Now, most applications that deal with images can do this, and in fact, even in InDesign, you can actually crop an image to some extent. So I've got this active, this freeform crop at the moment, and let's have a look at the whole picture here. So this tells us a story, okay? Just at the moment, it tells us we're looking at two deer who are part of a herd. And we know that because we can see the rear end of another deer just over on the right-hand side. But when we go ahead and crop that down, if I try and keep the same ratio, in fact, I can do that definitely here at the top if I just change this to Original here or As Shot, then it will keep those proportions for me. So if I bring this in like so, this now tells us a slightly different story because we don't know there are any other deer present here…
