From the course: How In-House Creators Can Power Your Company Brand

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How to effectively partner with your creators

How to effectively partner with your creators

- To get the most out of this incredible content opportunity, there are several things you'll need to consider or get in place to effectively partner with your in-house creators. First things first. The creation process should be a win-win for everyone. Meaning not only should your company end up with incredible content that converts, your creators should get something out of it too. So I recommend you talk to them about their performance objectives and their professional, personal and creative goals. Together, strategize on how you can connect the content they create to the goals they want to achieve. Provide the necessary personal branding and content creation training. Many of your in-house creators will have the raw skills, knowledge and some expertise to create content, but you have to remember what they put out there is a representation of your brand. Formal personal branding and content creation training is an…
