From the course: Business Automation Tips with Microsoft Flow

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Create a OneNote page

Create a OneNote page

- [Instructor] Next up for our Cool Flow Solutions, have you ever gotten an important email message that you wanted to save a copy of in OneNote? By the way, if you're not using OneNote, it's exactly what it sounds like. A virtual notebook that you can use to organize and share information online. Just like an old three ring binder, you have sections, and your content shows up as pages in the sections. Move stuff, rename it, it's as flexible as you need it to be. You can share text, images, videos, links and more. Anyways, as you probably expect by this point, let's start off by looking at available templates. I'm going to search for OneNote and let's see what we come up with. Okay, here's a good one, copy important emails to OneNote. I think that's exactly what we're looking for. Let's check it out. Now, in this template, I actually need to do a little bit of extra work before I create it. So I've already created the section in my OneNote notebook for copied emails, and I need to…
