From the course: Business Automation Tips with Microsoft Flow

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Add conditions to saving attachments

Add conditions to saving attachments

- [Instructor] Now, there's one more little wrinkle that I want to explore before we move on to a different type of flow. What if you wanted to save attachments based on other criteria? Say for example you wanted to save an attachment from one person but not other people, or that related to one project. Now how could you do that? It's actually very simple. Let's go back to our first flow, which was this one here, and let's click here and go into edit mode. In the Edit view, I'm going to click on this section here On new email to open it up and see what's going on, and then I'll click advanced options to see all of my choices. Check this out. I can use these fields here to create filters for a variety of different email properties. For the first scenario I mentioned, saving attachments from a specific person, all I need to do is put their email address in the from field, that's it, right here. The same for the subject line, although that assumes that you're using consistent…
