From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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The AGES model

The AGES model

- Recent discoveries in neuroscience and cognitive psychology have helped researchers identify four variables. Attention, generation, emotion, and spacing. Which, when optimized by design, provide the ideal conditions for learning to happen. Let's take a quick look at each of these variables and discover how you can create more engaging and effective eLearning experiences with these variables in mind. Designing to improve the quality of a learner's attention is first and foremost. The more we pay attention to incoming information, the stronger our memory and recall of that information will be in the future. Sounds simple, yet attention is a complex process. Attention can be passive and involuntary, much like a reflex such as when we respond to a sudden loud noise. On the other hand, attention can also be active and voluntary. We can choose what we pay attention to, guided by our interests and needs. However, active attention, focused attention, requires motivation, effort, and energy.…
