From the course: Agile Project Leadership

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Set a team vision for motivation

Set a team vision for motivation

From the course: Agile Project Leadership

Set a team vision for motivation

- We all know that setting a vision for a company, product or project is essential. So why don't we do this for our teams? From my perspective, there's an unspoken belief that team meetings and one-on-ones will set the vision with everyone. In my experience, this is a mistake. It's a mistake because those interactions are me as the leader telling the team what the vision is. It's not inclusive, and unsurprisingly, results in little buy-in. Where I missed the boat early on as a leader was engaging my team in the process. The vision is meant to be aspirational and create a sense of what could be. Doing it on my own left me as the only believer. It doesn't really matter what skills exist on your teams. Perhaps you have a team of Scrum masters or technical leads or marketing specialists. Maybe your team is a blend of all these skills. What you're looking for is a thread according to which everyone wants to believe, belong and…
