From the course: Agile Project Leadership

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Essential leadership skills for today

Essential leadership skills for today

From the course: Agile Project Leadership

Essential leadership skills for today

- As you can tell the difference between traditional and agile leaders is quite stark. Making the shift requires updating your skills. So much has been written about agile leadership it's easy to become overwhelmed. I think you can easily deepen your agile leadership toolkit with five basic skills. As you hone these skills you're setting yourself for immediate success. You're also setting the stage for the next page in your leadership journey. So let's look at the essential skills to master. First and most importantly is humility. In order to show teams that failure is acceptable. You have to model that behavior. The easiest way to do that is by actively demonstrating an insatiable desire to learn. Humble leaders follow the advice of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella who says it's time to go from know-it-alls to learn-it-alls. Without humility it's impossible to develop the other key skills. The next skill to master is to…
