Mehul Mehta

Mehul Mehta

Denver, Colorado, United States
35K followers 500+ connections


Mehul is currently working at Charles Schwab as a Manager in the Risk Modeling…

Articles by Mehul


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    Denver, Colorado, United States

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    United States

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    United States

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    Hyderabad Area, India

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    Rajasthan, India


  • North Carolina State University Graphic

    North Carolina State University


    Activities and Societies: Time Series Modeling: AR, MA, ARIMA, ARIMAX, SARIMAX, Stationarity (ADF Test, KPSS Test), Unitroot, Vector Autoregression (VAR), Kalman Filter, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks Statistics: Probability Distributions (Normal Distribution (Gaussian), Log-Normal, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution), Descriptive Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation, Covariance, Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

    Derivatives: Black-Scholes, Heston Model, Binomial and Trinomial Tree, Monte Carlo Simulation, Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta, Rho), Exotic Options (Barrier options, Asian options, Lookback options), Volatility Smile, Skew

    Stochastic Calculus: Brownian Motion, Itô's Lemma, Stochastic Differential Equations, Martingales, Girsanov's Theorem, Jump Processes and Lévy Processes, Stochastic Volatility Models (Heston model, SABR model, 3/2 model, CEV), Itô Process, Stochastic Interest Rate…

    Derivatives: Black-Scholes, Heston Model, Binomial and Trinomial Tree, Monte Carlo Simulation, Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta, Rho), Exotic Options (Barrier options, Asian options, Lookback options), Volatility Smile, Skew

    Stochastic Calculus: Brownian Motion, Itô's Lemma, Stochastic Differential Equations, Martingales, Girsanov's Theorem, Jump Processes and Lévy Processes, Stochastic Volatility Models (Heston model, SABR model, 3/2 model, CEV), Itô Process, Stochastic Interest Rate Models (Hull-White, Vasicek, CIR, G2++, Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM))

    Fixed Income: Yield Curve Modeling (Nelson-Siegel, Cubic Spline), Duration (Macauly, Modified, Key Rate) and Convexity, Bonds, MBS, ABS, Interest Rate Swaps

    Risk Management: VaR and CVaR Model, Stress testing, Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Analysis, back testing, Volatility Models (ARCH, GARCH, EWMA), Model Validation, SR 11-7, OCC 11-12, Basel III, FRTB, CCAR, ALM (NII, EVE, NIR)

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    Relevant Coursework:
    1. Computer Programming and Problem Solving.
    2. Data Structures & Algorithms.
    3. Multivariate Calculus and Differential Equations
    4. Differential and Difference Equations.
    5. Complex Variable and Partial Differential Equations.
    6. Probability Theory and Random Processes.
    7. Applied Numerical Methods.
    8. Macro Economics
    9. Stock Market and Trading Techniques.
    10. Research Methods for Management.

Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Graphic

    Student Volunteer

    Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

    - 8 months

    Science and Technology

    Institution of Engineering and Technology conducted Model United Nations on 14,15 April 2015.

    With the technological Era going on and with new technologies arriving each and every day the world as whole and each and every individual needs to know what crises we are facing in today’s world. Technology may be good, may be bad. It is for all those of you who attend to decide what course of action the world should take regarding some technologies.

    The TUC is not the usual gathering…

    Institution of Engineering and Technology conducted Model United Nations on 14,15 April 2015.

    With the technological Era going on and with new technologies arriving each and every day the world as whole and each and every individual needs to know what crises we are facing in today’s world. Technology may be good, may be bad. It is for all those of you who attend to decide what course of action the world should take regarding some technologies.

    The TUC is not the usual gathering of students from all over the country. It is the gathering of perhaps the most important people in the world today:- “The Leaders of Tommorow”

  • InnovatorsQuest VIT Graphic

    Core Team Lead

    InnovatorsQuest VIT

    - 1 year 2 months

    Science and Technology

    Innovator Quest is a research based club in VIT University. The club envisions a society with better knowledge, awareness, and access to technologies around the globe. The main believe is in achieving solutions to real-world problems through using technologies which are either developing, new or old in an innovative way.

  • InnovatorsQuest Graphic

    Head Of Finance


    - 1 year

    Science and Technology

  • InnovatorsQuest Graphic

    Advisory Committee Member


    - 1 year 1 month

    Science and Technology


  • Corporate Disclosure Practices and Influence of Organizational Characteristics - Evidence from India

    International Research Journal of Commerce and Law

    In any country, disclosure of the information is important so as to ensure better corporate governance. In the last few decades, in India, a number of attempts are made by both governmental and non-governmental institution to fortify corporate governance. Corporate
    disclosure is defined as the disclosure made by an organization voluntarily so as to improve pellucidity in the management of the organization. This research paper is an endeavour to comprehend the impact of the degree of…

    In any country, disclosure of the information is important so as to ensure better corporate governance. In the last few decades, in India, a number of attempts are made by both governmental and non-governmental institution to fortify corporate governance. Corporate
    disclosure is defined as the disclosure made by an organization voluntarily so as to improve pellucidity in the management of the organization. This research paper is an endeavour to comprehend the impact of the degree of practices in the corporate revelation or disclosure & the impact of organizational characteristics. This research paper reveals that companies with big assets, higher leverage, size, more profitability and inspected by the big audit organization have a propensity to be more lucid and therefore reveal additional data or
    information. Nevertheless, there are certain factors like company‟s age and residential status
    that do not have a significant impact on the extent of disclosure by corporates.

    Other authors
    See publication
  • A study on economic factors affecting credit ratings of Indian companies.

    Investment Management and Financial Innovations.


    The objective of the research carried out is to understand the impact of selected economic variables (such as Crude Oil Price, GDP, Industrial Production, Exchange Rates, and Inflation) on credit rating of Indian companies.The sample comprises of 120 rating observations during the period 2012–2016 for a total of 24 companies of India.Measurement of central tendency – descriptive statistics is used where credit rating is used as dependent variable and five economic factors viz…


    The objective of the research carried out is to understand the impact of selected economic variables (such as Crude Oil Price, GDP, Industrial Production, Exchange Rates, and Inflation) on credit rating of Indian companies.The sample comprises of 120 rating observations during the period 2012–2016 for a total of 24 companies of India.Measurement of central tendency – descriptive statistics is used where credit rating is used as dependent variable and five economic factors viz. Crude Oil Price, GDP, Industrial Production, Exchange Rates, and Inflation as the independent variables. Results from the analysis indicate that the credit rating responds in both linear, as well as nonlinear manner, to selected economic factors. Economic factors such as GDP, Industrial Production, and Exchange Rates have a linear relationship to credit rating, whereas Crude Oil price and Inflation have a non-linear impact upon the credit rating.

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  • Growth and Development of Start-ups in India - A Study with respect to Mechanical and Production Engineering.

    International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

    During the last two decades, there is a significant and considerable change in the manufacturing world because of globalization. In order to lessen the expenditure involved in paying the laborers most of the companies have been shifted to different locations. Due to this, highly developed nations have to lose their manufacturing industry and also the employment opportunities and jobs. In the present scenario, industrial people’s perception and attitudes are more different. The stint MES (Meglio…

    During the last two decades, there is a significant and considerable change in the manufacturing world because of globalization. In order to lessen the expenditure involved in paying the laborers most of the companies have been shifted to different locations. Due to this, highly developed nations have to lose their manufacturing industry and also the employment opportunities and jobs. In the present scenario, industrial people’s perception and attitudes are more different. The stint MES (Meglio Esserne Senza) has become habitual and usual to find out the established solutions in
    industrial IT, simulated and effected in ways that up keeps production management and execution. In the present scenario, we have many start-ups and entrepreneurs than ever before and this is a triumph and successful outcome.

    The government of India has launched “Start-up India” movement. It has been taking various measures to improve the comfort of doing business and is also building a supportive and conducive environment for these start-ups. In the present
    study, a discussion is made on the Indian government’s initiative and encouragement provided for start-ups especially mechanical and production engineering. A comparison regarding the progress of start-ups between two Asian countries India and China is also drawn.

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    See publication


  • Career Development for Quant

    FIM 500

  • Credit Risk Modeling

    FIM 590

  • Equity Valuation using SAS

    FIM 524

  • Financial Risk Analysis

    FIM 549

  • Fixed Income Products & Analysis

    FIM 528

  • Machine Learning in Finance

    FIM 590

  • Monte Carlo Simulation

    FIM 548

  • Options & Derivatives

    FIM 528

  • Statistical Inference

    ST 501

  • Stock Market



  • Stochastic Interest Rate Modeling and Bond Pricing


    Model Implementation: Developed and implemented various stochastic interest rate models, including Vasicek, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR), and Hull-White models, to capture the dynamics of interest rates.

    Bond Pricing Framework: Created a bond pricing framework using the developed stochastic models, accurately pricing fixed income securities and incorporating interest rate movements.

    Calibration and Estimation: Calibrated the stochastic models to historical interest rate data using…

    Model Implementation: Developed and implemented various stochastic interest rate models, including Vasicek, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR), and Hull-White models, to capture the dynamics of interest rates.

    Bond Pricing Framework: Created a bond pricing framework using the developed stochastic models, accurately pricing fixed income securities and incorporating interest rate movements.

    Calibration and Estimation: Calibrated the stochastic models to historical interest rate data using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and other statistical techniques, ensuring accurate representation of market conditions.

    Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis: Conducted sensitivity analysis and scenario testing to evaluate the impact of different interest rate scenarios on bond prices, providing insights into the risk and return characteristics of fixed income portfolios.

  • Option Pricing: Price Auto Callable Barrier Reverse Convertible using Monte Carlo Method


    Monte Carlo Simulation: Developed a Monte Carlo simulation framework to price Auto Callable Barrier Reverse Convertible (ACBRC) options, accurately modeling the complex path-dependent features and payoff structures.

    Variance Reduction Techniques: Implemented advanced variance reduction techniques, including Antithetic Variates and Control Variates, to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulations.

    Path Dependency Modeling: Accurately captured the path…

    Monte Carlo Simulation: Developed a Monte Carlo simulation framework to price Auto Callable Barrier Reverse Convertible (ACBRC) options, accurately modeling the complex path-dependent features and payoff structures.

    Variance Reduction Techniques: Implemented advanced variance reduction techniques, including Antithetic Variates and Control Variates, to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulations.

    Path Dependency Modeling: Accurately captured the path dependency of the ACBRC options by simulating numerous price paths and incorporating the auto-call and barrier features.

    Sensitivity Analysis: Performed sensitivity analysis to evaluate the impact of key parameters (e.g., volatility, interest rates, barrier levels) on the option price, ensuring a robust and comprehensive pricing model.

  • Market Risk: Build VaR and CVaR Model and backtest the VaR Model.


    VaR Model Development: Developed a Value at Risk (VaR) model using Historical Simulation, Variance-Covariance method, and Monte Carlo Simulation to estimate potential losses in the portfolio.

    CVaR Model Implementation: Implemented Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) model to assess the tail risk, providing a more comprehensive measure of potential extreme losses beyond the VaR threshold.

    Model Backtesting: Conducted rigorous backtesting of the VaR model using historical data to…

    VaR Model Development: Developed a Value at Risk (VaR) model using Historical Simulation, Variance-Covariance method, and Monte Carlo Simulation to estimate potential losses in the portfolio.

    CVaR Model Implementation: Implemented Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) model to assess the tail risk, providing a more comprehensive measure of potential extreme losses beyond the VaR threshold.

    Model Backtesting: Conducted rigorous backtesting of the VaR model using historical data to evaluate its predictive accuracy, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and identifying areas for improvement.

    Sensitivity and Stress Testing: Performed sensitivity analysis and stress testing to understand the impact of market shocks on VaR and CVaR, enhancing the robustness and reliability of the risk assessment models.

  • American Option Pricing using Binomial and Trinomial Tree Method


    Binomial Tree Model Implementation: Developed a Binomial Tree model to price American options, incorporating early exercise features through backward induction and optimal stopping rules.

    Trinomial Tree Model Implementation: Extended the analysis by constructing a Trinomial Tree model, enhancing accuracy and stability in option pricing by incorporating an additional middle state.

    Greeks Calculation: Implemented the calculation of option Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega) within…

    Binomial Tree Model Implementation: Developed a Binomial Tree model to price American options, incorporating early exercise features through backward induction and optimal stopping rules.

    Trinomial Tree Model Implementation: Extended the analysis by constructing a Trinomial Tree model, enhancing accuracy and stability in option pricing by incorporating an additional middle state.

    Greeks Calculation: Implemented the calculation of option Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega) within both the Binomial and Trinomial Tree frameworks to analyze sensitivity and risk measures.

    Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis: Conducted a comparative analysis between the Binomial and Trinomial models, highlighting differences in convergence, computational efficiency, and pricing accuracy, and performed sensitivity analysis on key parameters (e.g., volatility, interest rates) to ensure model robustness.

  • Comparative Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models and Time Series Models for Volatility Modeling


    Model Development and Implementation: Developed and implemented various stochastic volatility models (e.g., Heston, SABR) and time series models (e.g., ARCH, GARCH) to capture and forecast volatility dynamics.

    Volatility Data Analysis: Analyzed historical volatility data to identify patterns and trends, preparing the data for model calibration and validation.

    Model Calibration and Validation: Calibrated the stochastic volatility and time series models using historical volatility…

    Model Development and Implementation: Developed and implemented various stochastic volatility models (e.g., Heston, SABR) and time series models (e.g., ARCH, GARCH) to capture and forecast volatility dynamics.

    Volatility Data Analysis: Analyzed historical volatility data to identify patterns and trends, preparing the data for model calibration and validation.

    Model Calibration and Validation: Calibrated the stochastic volatility and time series models using historical volatility data, ensuring they accurately reflect market conditions, and validated their performance through backtesting and out-of-sample testing.

    Comparative Analysis and Insights: Conducted a comprehensive comparative analysis of the stochastic volatility and time series models, evaluating their predictive power, computational complexity, and robustness, providing actionable insights for optimal model selection in volatility modeling applications.

  • European Option Pricing Using Black Scholes Model, Binomial Tree Model, Heston Model and Monte Carlo Simulation


    Implemented the Black-Scholes Model to derive closed-form solutions for European call and put options, compute Greeks, and derive implied volatility.

    Developed a Binomial Tree Model using a recombining tree structure for option valuation through backward induction, accommodating variable interest rates and volatility.

    Applied the Heston Model to account for stochastic volatility, solving the associated PDE and using the characteristic function for more realistic market…

    Implemented the Black-Scholes Model to derive closed-form solutions for European call and put options, compute Greeks, and derive implied volatility.

    Developed a Binomial Tree Model using a recombining tree structure for option valuation through backward induction, accommodating variable interest rates and volatility.

    Applied the Heston Model to account for stochastic volatility, solving the associated PDE and using the characteristic function for more realistic market representation.

    Utilized Monte Carlo Simulation to estimate option prices by simulating numerous price paths for underlying assets, incorporating randomness and flexibility in assumptions.

Honors & Awards

  • PwC Best Presenter Award

    PwC India

    I was awarded as the 3rd best presenter for the proposal submitted at the PwC GRID University. In the presentation, we need to pitch our proposal to the Partner's of PwC and the best 3 people were awarded.

  • PwC Value Award

    PwC India

    PwC awarded me for leading the regulatory project of Karnataka. The project had different phases which involved extensive trips to client offices, stakeholders meets and scrutinity of the financial and technical documents. The due diligence was carefully carried out by the my team and I was awarded for leading the whole project.

  • Coordinator of Gravitas (Technical Fest of VIT)

    VIT University

    Gravitas is the annual techno-management fest of VIT. ‘graVITas’ 17 provides opportunities to ignite and innovate the young minds to demonstrate their technical skills. The theme of graVITas 2017 is “Technology Driven Transformation” which intends to offer simple and novel solutions to the challenges faced by the common people.
    There are a plethora of events in graVITas'17 covering almost every domain in emerging areas. To name a few, VIT-Model United Nations (VIT-MUN), The Rover Challenge,…

    Gravitas is the annual techno-management fest of VIT. ‘graVITas’ 17 provides opportunities to ignite and innovate the young minds to demonstrate their technical skills. The theme of graVITas 2017 is “Technology Driven Transformation” which intends to offer simple and novel solutions to the challenges faced by the common people.
    There are a plethora of events in graVITas'17 covering almost every domain in emerging areas. To name a few, VIT-Model United Nations (VIT-MUN), The Rover Challenge, Drone League, Business idea competition, Social Transformers will emphasize the ethical and technological skills of the students. Also, the technical workshops and hands-on training sessions, VIT HACK [comprising of Make-a-Thon, Hack-a-Thon, Idea-a-Thon, Design-a-Thon, Chem-a-Thon] will technically entertain and enrich the students’ innovative skills. In addition to the events, we are hosting an International Conference on “Nano in Engineering, Science, and Technology (iNEST) and the accepted papers in the conference will be published in the form of proceedings/book chapters. We assure that this year’s technical extravaganza is certain to grab the attention of techno buffs and will provide a platform to showcase their academic excellence. All the engineering and science students of VIT and other institutes are expected to participate in this event.

  • Manager of the Android Control Robotics Workshop

    VIT University

    Managed a workshop on Android Control Robotics at VIT University. 100+ students participated in the workshop

  • Finance Head of VIT's Technical Club

    Innovators Quest, Technical Club of VIT University

    I was elected as the Financial Head of Innovators Quest by majority vote.

  • Coordinator of Riviera (Asia's 8th largest fest)

    VIT University

    Riviera is the Annual International Sports and Cultural Carnival of the Vellore Institute of Technology. It is an International 4-day event that consists of sports competitions, social and cultural events along with concerts. The 2017 edition of Riviera witnessed a footfall of more than 35,000 students from over 680 colleges from across the country. It is organised primarily by the students of the college. It has a wide variety of competitions and events, which range from dramatic, literary…

    Riviera is the Annual International Sports and Cultural Carnival of the Vellore Institute of Technology. It is an International 4-day event that consists of sports competitions, social and cultural events along with concerts. The 2017 edition of Riviera witnessed a footfall of more than 35,000 students from over 680 colleges from across the country. It is organised primarily by the students of the college. It has a wide variety of competitions and events, which range from dramatic, literary, musical, dance, debate events all the way to informal events. It is usually held in the month of February every year.

  • Organizer of the Workshop on Big Data Analytics

    Innovators Quest - Technical Club of VIT University

    As an Organizer, I called the CEO and CFO of a start-up based out of Bangalore. The startup delivered a workshop on Big Data and it's Application in the Industry.


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    Full professional proficiency

  • Hindi

    Full professional proficiency

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