Talent Hub and The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Last updated: 1 year ago
The GDPR is a comprehensive European data protection law that provides significant data rights for individuals, including LinkedIn members. As always, we take a members-first approach in the way we build products and work with our partners and customers. We've updated our customer agreements to reflect GDPR requirements.
Can I use LinkedIn Talent Hub and comply with the GDPR?
  • Like our other Talent Solutions services, LinkedIn Talent Hub is designed to be used in compliance with the GDPR. LinkedIn's use of your customer personal data is subject to and limited by LinkedIn's Data Processing Agreement (DPA) - you should familiarize yourself with your company’s agreement with LinkedIn and you may need to consult your own legal counsel or privacy team to determine if your specific uses of Talent Hub comply with the GDPR and other applicable laws.
Who is the data controller for Talent Hub data?
  • When you use LinkedIn Talent Hub, LinkedIn’s applicant tracking system, you are the data controller of job applicant data (such as application data and interview notes) and data you import to Talent Hub (such as job applications for site’s other than LinkedIn or resumes that you upload). We are also a data processor for any data we receive from calendar or email integrations. When we are a data processor, we only use the data as described in our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with you. Talent Hub functionality in some cases offers the ability to export LinkedIn member data (consistent with member privacy settings). For example, this may occur when you use search to add a candidate to a project and then you export the entire project. For purposes of GDPR, when you export member data, you and LinkedIn will be independent controllers of the respective copies of that data. For other types of data processing by you or LinkedIn, consult the terms of your Data Processing Agreement with LinkedIn.
Is Talent Solutions data (including Talent Hub data) transferred to the United States?
  • Yes, Talent Solutions data, including Talent Hub data, that is processed by LinkedIn is transferred to the United States.
Learn more about our Talent Solutions services and the GDPR, including how to delete or export data.
All materials have been prepared for general information purposes only; they're intended to permit you to learn more about LinkedIn's position on the GDPR. The information presented is not legal advice, is not to be acted on as such, may not be current and is subject to change without notice. Thank you.