Enhanced matching for your website

Last updated: 3 months ago

When you add enhanced matching to your website, you can send additional information with your Insight Tag data, such as an email address provided when a customer submits a form on your website. Enhanced matching helps us optimize your campaigns so you can better reach your target audience.

Important to know

Information sent using enhanced matching is hashed on the website before being sent to LinkedIn. Hashing transforms text to be unreadable, which can help protect your customer’s privacy – we only match information we already have, the rest remains unreadable.

Benefits of enhanced matching  

Benefits of using enhanced matching with your Insight Tag include: 

  • A better understanding of the impact of your ads - We can match more conversions from your website to LinkedIn accounts to help show the full power of your ads on your conversions. 
  • Larger Matched Audience - Match more of your website visitors to LinkedIn accounts.  
  • Lower cost for each conversion - We can be more efficient when delivering ads, since we’re better able to reach LinkedIn accounts that are more likely to convert. 

Enhanced matching set up 

Enhanced matching requires adding code to your website. To use enhanced matching, you must have the Insight Tag installed on your website. Keep in mind, you might need developer resources to support enhanced matching.

You can add enhanced matching code to your website regardless of your installation method. For example, if you’ve chosen to use a tag manager, you can still add enhanced matching to your website. 

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