Edit Your Headline

Last updated: 2 years ago
Your professional headline is the text below your name in the introduction section on your profile. It's displayed in search results and can be separate from the title of your current position. Your headline is usually created when you add a new and current position to your profile, and it can be used to promote an area of expertise.
Note: You can also edit your professional headline to call out other professional statuses, for example if you're unemployed or retired.
To edit your professional headline:
  1. Click the Me icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click View Profile.
  3. Click the Edit icon in your introduction section.
  4. In the Edit intro pop-up window, make your changes in the Headline field.
  5. Click Save.
  • If your professional headline and current position are the same, your current position won't be displayed in the top section of your profile.
  • Editing the headline doesn't change what's listed in the Current, Previous, and Education lines in the top section of your profile.
  • If the changes to your headline aren't reflected on your LinkedIn homepage, make sure you're editing the correct language profile.
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