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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    How ChatGPT helps me write blog posts that sell (massive prompt inside): Writing blog posts that aren't just SEO noise takes A TON of effort. And the thing that used to take me the most time happened BEFORE I even started writing: Competitive analysis. Until I taught ChatGPT how to do it for me. Here's the prompt: === I want you to search the keyword or the title I provide and analyze the first 5 search results. What do they miss? Is there anything that could be improved? Here, make sure to identify opportunities for creating a better piece of content than the competition created. While doing the competitive analysis, make sure to follow this structure: 1. [name of the source] 1.1. Useful insights: • [insight 1] • [insight 2] • [insight 3] ... etc. 1.2. What is missing: • [missing insight 1] • [missing insight 2] • [missing insight 3] ... etc. After completing the competitive analysis, ask me if the analysis is thorough enough. If I message you "Yes" – start writing the outline If I message you "No" – ask me what is missing and suggest improvements after receiving my feedback. Once the competitive analysis is finished, move to writing the outline. Use the insights from the competitive analysis and fill in any gaps or missing information in the competition's content in your outline. Don't start the outline with the introduction, move on to the first H2 in the subsection. While writing the outline, follow this structure: H2 - Subheading Title Suggestion. Section word count: [~X - Guide writer where the “meat” of the article should focus] words Section detail: Topics to touch on [if required]: • X • X • X === PS. I also built a custom GPT to make it even simpler (and fed it a few best examples for even more accuracy). DM me, and I'll send you the link for free. PPS. Found it useful? Hit that "Repost" button!

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    1 thing I DESPISE about B2B content marketing in 2024 (I chose violence today): Calling content channels "strategies." Let me explain: ➝ "SEO is our primary focus. We publish 20 blog posts a month." ➝ "LinkedIn is our primary focus. We spend 6 hours/day engaging." ➝ "Email is our primary focus. We spam our audience with 6 emails/week." These are not strategies. These are short-sighted outlooks on your content. Because it's narrow, you feel your marketing is "focused." Instead, its potential is severely limited. In my tomorrow's newsletter, I'll be showing a more effective way to use content for B2B services. One that: ➝ Is based on the channels you own (LinkedIn isn't one of them) ➝ Helps you reach audience without abusing their inboxes ➝ Doesn't eat up hours of your time Subscribe using the link in the comments

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    How we filled our B2B Client's pipeline with 4 blog posts/month: Sounds impossible, right? In 2024, it seems you need gazillion blog posts every month to even start thinking about ranking on Google. Well, at StoryAngled, we believe in quality, not quantity. Quality of content we produce. And – most importantly – the quality of this content's distribution. For this client, the 4 blog posts we produce turn into: ➝ 4-6 carousels ➝ 4 video scripts ➝ 4 viral-worthy visuals ➝ 20 social media posts With 4 blog posts, you get 34(!) high-quality, lead-gen oriented social pieces. This month, we'll crank it up even more with a newsletter. You might think: "Gosh, this must take hours to develop (and cost a fortune)." Nah. All our Clients have their AI Content Repurposing Assistant set up: ➝ We finish a blog post ➝ The Assistant repurposes it to social posts ➝ 1-2 pro writers edit and fine-tune the content's quality Each Assistant is customized to the brand's voice and taught their best-performing content formats. Instead of 6-10 h per week, we finalize the social content in 2-3 h. 3x faster. 3x more effective. If you'd like to see for yourself, DM me "CONTENT" and I'll repurpose 1 of your blog posts for 1 week of social content for FREE. (Limited offer: Only 5 spots available)

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    How I find & analyze competitors of B2B Founders on LinkedIn: 1/ Identify Competitors • Use Taplio's Viral Posts search function. • Identify top players in your industry. • Follow relevant profiles. 2/ Visit Profiles • Look at their listed experiences. • Analyze their headlines and summaries. • Check endorsements and recommendations. 3/ Activity Analysis • Who are they engaging with? • What content are they sharing? • Analyze post frequency and interaction lvls. 4/ Analyze Their Content • Blog posts, articles, videos? • What topics are they focusing on? • What is the quality and format of their posts? 5/ Engage & Learn • Comment with insightful thoughts. • Join conversations in their network. • Learn from their successes and mistakes. 6/ Turn data into actions. • Identify gaps in their strategies. • Adapt and innovate based on insights. • Continuously monitor and adjust. Outsmart, Don’t Outspend. Leverage competitor insights to accelerate your growth. PS. With the code KUBA1, you can extend your Taplio trial from 7 to 30 days for $1. Apply the code at checkout and enjoy: https://bit.ly/3VWuGUQ Limited offer – only 15 spots available! #sponsored

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    How I write comparison pages for B2B Services (that attract high-ticket customers): Here are a couple of extra pro tips: 1/ Avoid jargon like a plague: Be clear and concise, not smart 2/ Highlight the ease of onboarding: Lower the threshold 3/ Showcase awards: Be unapologetically proud of them 4/ Tell customer stories: Paint the emotional picture 5/ Regularly monitor the market: React fast PS. Please reshare this cheat sheet to help fellow B2B founders.

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    The most underrated content format for B2B service-based businesses: Comparison pages. I've seen just a couple, but most of them were: • Too salesy • Too offer-focused • Straight-up inaccurate This video shows you how to avoid all 3 – and what to do instead. PS. Tomorrow, I'll post a comparison page cheat sheet that'll guide you through the entire writing process. Follow me if you don't want to miss it.

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    1 crucial content strategy aspect most B2B startups overlook: Content-Audience Fit You might create the best content in the world. But it's not enough if it's not RESONANT to your audience. Without resonance, your content will feel ALMOST effective. You'll feel like you're doing everything right – but the content still doesn't work. If that's you, you might lack a proper Content-Audience Fit. To fix it, you have to define 4 things: --- Please reshare to help a fellow startup folk create better content.

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    1 content marketing rule I never break (and why it’s non-negotiable): Go above, beyond, and through. My benchmark is to deliver excellence: → In every interaction. → In every project. → Every task. Last week, a client approached me with an article writing project on a tight deadline. Now, it wasn't a premium service. But I dedicated extra hours and resources to ensure it was completed not just on time, but with exceptional quality. The client's reaction? “This is beyond what we expected!” That moment of satisfaction solidified why this rule is at the core of my work ethic. Do I manage to do it 100% of the time? Of course not. But I always try, at least. How? → Listen Actively: Understand your client’s needs, concerns, and goals. Tailor your approach to meet those specific needs. → Communicate Transparently: Keep your clients in the loop with regular updates, even if the news isn’t always positive. → Be Proactive: Anticipate potential issues and address them before they become problems. → Add Value: Always look for ways to provide additional value, whether it’s through thoughtful advice or unexpected touches. Remember: It’s not about the price tag of the service. It’s about the dedication you bring to the table. PS. If you'd like to see proof of me applying those rules, sign up for my content strategy course. Link in the comments 👇

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    Personal Brand vs. Personal Content Program: Is it only semantics? This is a question I hear a lot. Short answer: It's much more than semantics. Long answer: A Personal Brand: → Represents who you are → It's your identity, values, and reputation → It’s how others perceive you in your industry → It's built over time through consistent actions and messaging A Personal Content Program: → Is the strategy and plan behind your content → It includes the types of content you create and share → It’s your posting schedule, topics, and engagement tactics → It drives the visibility and reinforcement of your personal brand So, what's the real difference? → Your personal brand is your overall image and the value you bring to the table. → Your personal content program is the engine that keeps your brand running and growing. Here's how they work together: → Your personal brand sets the foundation. → Your personal content program builds and amplifies that foundation. Without a strong personal brand, your content lacks direction and impact. Without a robust content program, your personal brand won’t reach its full potential. How to build both effectively? → Define Your Brand: Know your values, strengths, and unique selling points. → Create a Content Strategy: Plan your content around your brand's core message. → Be Consistent: Consistency is key to maintaining and growing both. → Engage Regularly: Reinforce your brand and keep your content relevant. Remember: → A powerful personal brand attracts opportunities. → A well-executed content program ensures those opportunities keep coming. Need help setting up both? DM me CONTENT and I'll share Your Content Program Outline for FREE. (Only 7 spots available) --- Please ♻️ reshare if you understand the synergy between a personal brand and a personal content program.

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    Helping B2B Service-Based Founders Attract Customers with Content | Explaining Content, One Ugly Drawing at a Time

    How I write B2B newsletters that close deals every week: 1/ Craft a Compelling Subject Line Your subject line is the gateway to your content – make it irresistible. Use: → curiosity → urgency → question to grab attention 2/ Deliver Your Perspective Your newsletter should serve as a start of a conversation with your reader. Share: → Insights → Pro-tips → Lessons They can’t find elsewhere. 3/ Keep It Concise and Skimmable Your readers are busy, especially if you're in B2B. Use: → short paragraphs → bullet points → subheadings Make it easy for them to digest your message quickly. 4/ Personalize and Segment Tailor your newsletters to different segments of your audience based on their interests and behaviors. Use their name and relevant content to create a personalized experience. 5/ Strong Call to Action Lastly, include a strong call to action. Whether it’s downloading a resource, signing up for a webinar, or contacting your sales team – make sure it’s clear and compelling. 💡 PRO-TIP: Avoid including multiple CTAs in 1 email. Make the next step crystal clear for the reader. Please reshare ♻️ to help other B2B folks close more deals via email.

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