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Night Way

by Janet Dailey

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From the ancient way of Arizona's Navaho nation to the new ranch wealth of the great Southwest, two warring sons fought for one woman's love. Lanna's quiet beauty won the love of two very different men--the "white son" and his half-brother. One, charming, secure in his world and his riches. The other, an outcast of brooding sensuality, proud of his Indian ways. Lanna would be forced to choose between them--and between two kinds of life. And even as they fought to possess her, the dark legacy of greed and treachery that lay hidden in their family threatened to destroy her future--and her love.… (more)

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Nightway By Janet Dailey
Chad is the true son of him but Hawk comes to live with them after his mother dies. He leaves the reservation and the ways of the world there to come to the new world where everything is new to him.
Chad and Katherine are the real heirs but he knows his father did love his mother.
His father taught him to think for himself. He was able to spend time with his mothers family on the reservation and he also attended college.
Carol the younger sister loves to make the two boys fight over her-she craves the competition. A fight and the family is divided.
The story also follows the father and how on a road one night his truck stops and a woman comes to his rescue and after 3 months time they celebrate her birthday and he dies. The family comes to her and she is informed exactly who he is and she finds out from the lawyer what he's left her in his will.
Chad and Carole want their inheritance back and drug her. Hawk sees and takes her away to safety....
Many hot steamy sex scenes and I especially liked all the Indian traditional things talked about in this book.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device). ( )
  jbarr5 | Jul 10, 2013 |
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"...With your moccasins of dark cloud, come to us!
With your leggings of dark cloud, come to us!
With your shirt of dark cloud, come to us!
With your headdress of dark cloud, come to us!
...Today take our your spell for me."
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The land stretched out as far as the imagination, laced with arroyos and crowned with mesas and buttes.
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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From the ancient way of Arizona's Navaho nation to the new ranch wealth of the great Southwest, two warring sons fought for one woman's love. Lanna's quiet beauty won the love of two very different men--the "white son" and his half-brother. One, charming, secure in his world and his riches. The other, an outcast of brooding sensuality, proud of his Indian ways. Lanna would be forced to choose between them--and between two kinds of life. And even as they fought to possess her, the dark legacy of greed and treachery that lay hidden in their family threatened to destroy her future--and her love.

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Lanna Marshall does not wish to enter the greed and treachery of another family's conflict. Love leaves her no option, however, when she must choose between two warring sons, and two kinds of life.
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