"Girls In Bikinis" is a song by Poppy from her second studio album Am I A Girl?. It is the ninth track on the album and it was released on October 31st, 2018.
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"Girls In Bikinis" is a song by Poppy from her second studio album Am I A Girl?. It is the ninth track on the album and it was released on … read more
"Girls In Bikinis" is a song by Poppy from her second studio album Am I A Girl?. It is the ninth track on the album and it was released on October 31st, 2018.
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Moriah Rose Pereira known professionally as Poppy (or Moriah Poppy, That Poppy), is an American singer, songwriter, actress and model. In early 2014, Poppy signed to Island Records. Over a year later, her debut single ''Everybody Wants to Be Poppy'' was released and in early 2016, she released her debut extended play, Bubblebath. In late 2016, Poppy became the face of Sanrio's "Hello Sanrio" collection. In the summer of 2017, she signed to Mad Decent, and in October released her first studio album, Poppy.Computer. To promote the album she embarked … read more
Moriah Rose Pereira known professionally as Poppy (or Moriah Poppy, That Poppy), is an American singer, songwriter, actress and model. In early 2014, Poppy signed to Island Records. Over a … read more
Moriah Rose Pereira known professionally as Poppy (or Moriah Poppy, That Poppy), is an American singer, songwriter, actress and model. In early 2014, Poppy signed to Island Records. Over a year later, her debut single ''Every… read more