エージェント・ベース・モデル:複雑性のためのツール<br>Agent­-Based Modelling : A Tool for Complexity

  • 電子書籍
  • ポイントキャンペーン

Agent­-Based Modelling : A Tool for Complexity

  • 著者名:Gallegati, Giacomo/Gallegati, Mauro/Landini, Simone
  • 価格 ¥3,758 (本体¥3,417)
  • Cambridge University Press(2025/01/02発売)
  • 2025年も読書三昧!Kinoppy電子書籍・電子洋書 全点ポイント25倍キャンペーン(~1/5)
  • ポイント 850pt (実際に付与されるポイントはご注文内容確認画面でご確認下さい)
  • 言語:ENG
  • ISBN:9781009547635
  • eISBN:9781009547604

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This Element works as non-technical overview of Agent-Based Modelling (ABM), a methodology which can be applied to economics, as well as fields of natural and social sciences. This Element presents the introductory notions and historical background of ABM, as well as a general overview of the tools and characteristics of this kind of models, with particular focus on more advanced topics like validation and sensitivity analysis. Agent-based simulations are an increasingly popular methodology which fits well with the purpose of studying problems of computational complexity in systems populated by heterogeneous interacting agents.

Table of Contents

Introduction; 1. Agent-Based Modelling; 2. Tools for the simulation with models based on agents; Conclusion; Acronyms; References.