Toolbox for MS PowerPoint

App Store's most-comprehensive collection of professional slideshow templates and graphics elements for PowerPoint

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Templates for MS PowerPoint

All the right ingredients for the winning combination. Professional Microsoft PowerPoint slide templates with complementing charts, diagrams, tables, and other visualization elements.

white haze electric multi vitamin

idea sheet treat and prevent

idea sheet clear block mono chrome facts and figures

boardroom big ideas

exploration left and right

cherry soda globetrotter sea change

Themes for MS PowerPoint

Present with style! Smartly structured, designed to maximize the audience’s attention, our themes for Microsoft PowerPoint will turn every project into a success.

ocean safari very basic menthol ride

blueprint origami air

subtile mind

mint condition


ocean safari 2 black mint

color block

right angle mercury block amber notice


An ever-increasing treasure trove of quality visualization tools to add that extra special touch to any presentation. Charts, diagrams, maps, flags – you name it.

recycle diagram road trip population diagram
healthy living global banking
opec social diagram cloud computing
countries olympic games social media
multinational corporation check mate
point diagram creative industies promo diagram
film industry flat hues


Create your own presentation style from scratch with unique patterns, frames, bullets, and headline characters. Make your work as unique as your fingerprints.

smart scotch tape lanky diagonal weave
scratchy texture retro orange speck wall playful
line pale ornate imprinted gold
classic black snowflake ribbon card zigzag terracotta
jolly chalk drop sketch
leather blue shoelace tree rings elementary
doodle dream retro-orange-2 ornamental doodle serene

Design Elements

Add a touch of fun to your projects. Thousands of premium doodles, icons, badges, ribbons, patters, and millions of ways to combine them.

Tree Trunk Garden Marine Labels Natural

Finance Minimal Soft Circles

Building Outlines Art Deco Labels Cocktails Crazy Birthday

Online Security Apps Flat

Transmission We Care

Beer Labels Swirly White Arrows Education

Stock Icons

An exclusive set of top-quality images for your pet projects. From business and science, to symbols and metaphors – you will always find the right one.

shopping basket restaurant table salt and pepper pizza

formulas gift box

toy lifebuoy stationery items textbook red

fridge paper plane


weather cloudy snow chart bar ligh bulb off

backpack school molecule phosphorus key chain

weather thunder partly sunny

christmas bauble milk carton coin address book

beach parasol striped orange

sign sale paper sheets lined glasses bank bulls eye

flip flops men sun hat photo slides gift ribbon beach bucket green

chart pyramid weather sunny football magnifying glass chart halloween pumpkin

contract alarm clock diploma beach toys money bag

credit card letter open mug coffee die beach ball

Flat Icons

A massive, ever-growing selection of modern and stylish icons to give your work a fresh and professional look!

messaging hockey aquarium atom

lamp medal

likes robot teenager male

conference paper plane

magnifying glass

trophy emoji speaker

swis army knife wheel cart map and glass


rocket microphone kayak child female

planet compass

formal male broccoli team clipboard sneakers

cleaver heartrate debate presentation chart roller

donut tools watermelon letter stu40s

hardhat magician's hat armchair pills tent

pills map cake garland cyclist

Created for Editing

Desktop & Mobile

Prefer working on your iPad or iPhone? Choose the iOS version of Toolbox for MS PowerPoint and access the same content, conveniently adapted for MS PowerPoint for iOS. Compatible with MS PowerPoint, and MS PowerPoint for iOS.