
Transition to new editorial system


In September 2021, the Journal of Statistical Software transitions to version 3 of the Open Journal System after using version 2 as the editorial management system for a number of years. Such transitions bring not only many nice and useful new features, but are typically also accompanied by some problems. All our readers and authors can help us improving our service by reporting found bugs and issues. More information in the full announcement.

New editorial team members


To sustain the success of JSS in the next years, we have expanded and restructured the editorial team: Rebecca Killick has joined as the fifth Editor-in-Chief, Heidi Seibold became the dedicated Replication Editor for the journal and Reto Stauffer the dedicated Technical Editor. Furthermore, the new Assistant Editors Luisa Barbanti, Balint Tamasi, and Sandra Siegfried support the editing of manuscripts and replication materials.

Changes in editorial team


In response to the continuing success of JSS we have expanded our editorial team aiming to further enhance the quality of publications and lower reviewing times and publication delays. First, Torsten Hothorn has joined as the fourth editor-in-chief. Second, we now have four editorial assistants who help with managing submissions, work flows, editing, technical checks, web services, etc.: Aaron Danielson, Gregor Kastner, Heidi Seibold, Reto Stauffer. Welcome to all the new members of the editorial team!

JSS Celebrates 20 Years: Special Volume 73


2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the Journal of Statistical Software.  We celebrate the anniversary with a Festschrift for Jan de Leeuw, the journal's founding editor, which is now online as Special Volume 73 (Editors: Patrick Mair, Katharine Mullen).

New JSS server


The Journal of Statistical Software moved to a new server based on Open Journal Systems (OJS, which not only hosts published software/manuscripts but also provides a full editorial system. Thus, all submissions, reviews, etc. can now be made through the new OJS system.

DOIs for JSS publications


The Journal of Statistical Software now provides DOIs (digital object identifiers, for its publications. For example, doi:10.18637/jss.v063.i01 refers to the introduction to the recent special volume on software for spatial statistics. The DOIs for past publications are listed on the respective web page. Future publications (starting from Volume 67) will also show the DOIs in the PDF manuscripts - and also provide DOIs for the references cited in the manuscripts.

Special Volume 63


Special volume 63 on Software for Spatial Statistics, Editors: Edzer Pebesma, Roger Bivand and Paulo Justiano Ribeiro is now available.

Special Volume 48


Special volume 48 on Psychoco: Psychometric Computing in R, Editors: Florian Wickelmaier, Carolin Strobl, Achim Zeileis is available.