ISSN 1002-137X
CN 50-1075/TP
  • Computer Science(CS) makes great effort to publish high quality, trusted content. To help us maintain these high standards, we provide guidelines of ethical publishing for authors, reviewers, and journal editors.

    For Authors

    We expect all authors submitting to Computer Science (CS) to adhere to the following ethical guidelines:

     The article must be original work, which does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity, and cannot be construed as plagiarizing any other published work, including the authors’ own previously published work.

     All authors named on the paper are equally held accountable for the content of a submitted manuscript or published paper.

     The corresponding author must ensure all named co-authors consent to publication and to being named as a co-author. All persons who have made significant scientific or literary contributions to the work should be named as co-authors.

     Authors must not submit a manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously.

     Authors should not submit previously published work, nor work which is based in substance on previously published work, either in part or whole.

     The manuscript must be original. Authors must cite all relevant information or publications appropriately and with permission if necessary.

     Authors must include all appropriate warnings concerning any specific and particular hazards that may be involved in carrying out experiments or procedures described in the article or involved in instructions, materials, or formula in the article.

     Raw data described in the article should be available for checking if required.

     Authors must avoid making defamatory statements in submitted articles which could be construed as impugning any person's reputation.

     Authors must declare any potential conflict of interest which could be held to arise with respect to the article.

     Authors must disclose all sources of funding for the research reported in the paper.


    For Reviewers

    Computer Science (CS) strongly recommend that reviewers adhere to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

    We ask all peer reviewers to make every reasonable effort to adhere to the following ethical guidelines for the articles they have agreed to review.

     Reviewers must give unbiased consideration to each manuscript submitted for consideration for publication, and should judge each on its merits, without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s).

     Reviewers should declare any potential conflict of interest prior to agreeing to review a manuscript including any relationship with the author that may potentially bias their review.

     Reviewers must keep the peer review process confidential; information or correspondence about a manuscript should not be shared with anyone outside of the peer review process.

     Reviewers must avoid making statements in their report which might be construed as impugning any person's reputation.

     Reviewers should make all reasonable effort to submit their report and recommendation in a timely manner, informing the editor if this is not possible.

     Reviewers should call to the journal editor's attention any significant similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or submitted manuscripts of which they are aware.

    For Editors

    Computer Science(CS) refers editors to the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

    We ask all journal editors to make great effort to adhere to the following ethical guidelines.

     Editors should give unbiased consideration to each manuscript submitted for consideration for publication, and should judge each on its merits, without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s).

    ●  Editors must keep the peer-review process confidential; information or correspondence about a manuscript should not be shared with anyone outside of the peer review process.

     If an editor receives a claim that a submitted article is under consideration elsewhere or has already been published, then he or she has a duty to investigate the matter.

     Editors may reject a submitted manuscript without peer review if they consider the manuscript to be inappropriate for the journal and outside its scope.

     Editors should endeavor to process submitted manuscripts in an efficient and timely manner.

     If an editor is presented with convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of an article published in the journal are erroneous, then, in consultation with Computer Science (CS), the journal editor should facilitate publication of an appropriate corrigendum or erratum. 

     All articles to be accepted will checked by editiors on AMLC of CNKI and WANFANG DATA platforms, if the repetition rate is lower than 20%, it will pass and be accepted, and if it is equal to or higher than 20%, it will be regarded as academic plagiarism.For articles with plagiarism, the editorial department will strictly reject the papaer.And if the author is the first time to do academic misconduct, the editorial department will give a warning, if the author executes again, he/she will be included in the academic plagiarism blacklist,and the editorial department always refuses to process its submissions.

发布日期:2021-09-09 浏览: 14089