How to electronically sign a document with Docusign

Why work harder to get your documents approved? Electronic signature tools offer a rapid, efficient, and secure way to get your documents signed, which means you can spend less time on manual signature processes. Popular e-signature solutions like Docusign make it easy to sign documents electronically. .

Here, we cover what electronic signatures are, how to sign Docusign documents, how Docusign works and how an alternative product might better fit your needs.

The basics of electronic signatures

An electronic signature is a way to sign documents digitally to show consent or agreement. Programs like Docusign produce the signatures for you, providing an authenticated signature of approval on important documents. An electronic signature can appear as a replica of a physical signature, initials, or other agreed-upon symbol of approval.

Like traditional pen-and-paper signatures, electronic signatures are legally valid, and organizations now widely use them to secure approvals and finalize agreements. E-signature software validates the authenticity of the signatures and of the document the signatures are attached to.

Benefits of electronic signatures vs traditional signatures

Electronic signatures make securing important approvals easier and faster than ever. With this technology, signees in different rooms, cities, or even countries can approve documents instantaneously.

Electronic signatures accelerate the approval process, eliminate unnecessary paper waste, and remove administrative bottlenecks. They give you the ability to securely sign documents wherever you are — even on your mobile device.

Steps for signing a document with Docusign

There are two ways to sign a document with Docusign: with an email link or through your Docusign account. Although each method may have different first steps, the overall process of signing with Docusign is the same. Here’s how to get started.

How to sign Docusign documents through an email link

  1. Open the email from Docusign.
  2. Click the Review Document button to open your document.
  3. Click the yellow Continue button to begin signing.
  4. Add the fields on the left to fill out the required information or enter it into Existing Fields.
  5. Once you enter all your information, click the yellow Finish button at either the top or bottom of your screen.
  6. To share the signed document, enter Copy Recipient Information in the popup that will appear after you’ve finished and click Send. Click No Thanks if no one else is receiving a copy.

How to sign Docusign documents through a Docusign account

  1. Sign in to your Docusign account.
  2. Under Manage, you’ll see all documents labeled Action Required.
  3. Click the blue Sign button on the far right of the document you need to sign.
  4. Follow steps 3–4 provided above.

While both methods are quick and easy, other e-signature tools can reduce the friction of the signing process even more. These alternatives may be a better fit for you, so be sure to consider your organizations’ needs before signing up.

A valuable e-signature alternative

Jotform Sign provides electronic signature solutions while also offering access to an integrated suite of other helpful tools to help you get the most out of your documents and online forms. Using Jotform Sign is a quick and easy way to build signable documents, convert documents into PDFs, and collect signatures securely. Jotform Sign includes a number of features:

All these tools make Jotform Sign a powerful alternative to Docusign. With extensive features and an easy-to-use interface, Jotform Sign helps you sign documents efficiently and securely.

How to electronically sign a document with Jotform Sign

Signing a document in Jotform Sign takes just a few clicks. Jotform can even save you time by automatically filling out information gathered from your signing invitation, such as your name and the date of your signature. Here’s how to sign a document or form with Jotform Sign.

  1. Open the email invitation from Jotform and click the Review and Sign Document button.
  2. If your document is password-protected, enter the password provided in your email invitation and click the Validate button.
  3. In the document, click on the required fields, such as Signature, to fill them out.
  4. Sign by drawing your signature or typing in your name to create a signature.
  5. Click Next to fill out the next field, or click the X to exit the field window.
  6. When you finish filling out each field, click the Sign and Complete button at the top of your screen, and then click the Accept and Send button in the confirmation window.

Now that you know how to sign Docusign documents with an electronic signature — as well as how to sign with Jotform Sign — you’re ready to add electronic signatures to your organization’s routine. But choosing the right electronic signature solution will depend on your needs. Be sure to check which features each program offers as you consider your options.


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