How to Import Google Forms to Jotform

March 26, 2024

With Jotform’s Google Forms import tool, you could transform your existing Google Forms into more powerful forms powered by its advanced form builder. Enhance your forms using the easy-to-use Form Designer and connect them with more apps and payments through integrations.

Importing Google Forms is simply straightforward. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Google Forms migration portal.
  2. Click the Migrate Your Forms to Jotform button.
Migrate Your Forms to Jotform button under the Google Forms migration page
  1. Click the Allow button on the next pop-up window.
Pop up modal for import authorization
  1. Agree to Jotform’s Privacy Policy by clicking the Continue button.
Pre permission screen for the Google Forms Import tool
  1. On the Google Apps Script portal, click the Review Permission button.
Google Apps Script permission screen
  1. At this stage, you may be required to log in to your Google account in which you created your Google Forms. But if you’ve already logged in before, you only need to select it from the screen.
  2. Next, you must allow Jotform access to your Google forms by clicking the Allow button.
Access request screen for the Google Forms Import Tool

Once the Google authentication is complete, close the page to return to the migration page.

  1. You’ll see a table on the migration page with your list of Google forms and their total submissions. Select the form you wish to import.
  2. Finally, click the Migrate button. You should see the progress and the confirmation after that. Go back to the My Forms page to see the forms.
Final screen for the Google Forms migration screen with the list of Google Forms

Please comment below if you have issues getting the import tool to work or have questions, comments, or suggestions.

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