Create Forms

Create Forms

If you need to create great looking web forms quickly, a Form Builder is the best tool for the job. You can simply drag and drop questions and form fields to where you need them. You can also play with the color and structure of your forms. The...

The ability to position elements is one of the best features of a form builder. It allows you to quickly add and move fields anywhere in the form. There are a few different ways to position elements on your form. Check out the list below:...

If you need to collect files on your forms, you can use the File Upload form element. File Upload can accept multiple files from your form fillers. There are also options to set your allowed file types and sizes....

Have you ever considered allowing your users to take a picture with their webcams straight from your form? That's possible with Jotform's Take Photo widget. In the form builder, go to the Widgets tab. Search for Take Photo...

Jotform has an embed option to open forms as a pop-up window. They can look like this: Click this link: Pop-up Form Or this button: Pop-up Form If that's how you want to embed a form on your website, just follow these steps....

Contact forms are one of the most commonly used form types. They are usually one of the fastest ways for users to get in touch whenever they need assistance, have feedback, reports, or ideas to share. Creating a contact form manually is...

Multi-column forms are ideal for longer forms that might be overwhelming in a single-column layout. By breaking up the form into multiple columns, users can easily navigate and complete it with ease. Aside from custom CSS, the Form Builder has...

Positioning your fields correctly is essential when you're designing your forms to match your website structure. There are times you want to keep two or more fields on the same line. Other times, fields will need their own lines. Luckily, Jotform...

To manage multiple fields, hold down the Ctrl key (for PC), or the Command ⌘ key (for Mac) to multi-select fields. You can also press Ctrl + A or ⌘ + A to select all fields. A menu will appear at the top that will allow you to manage the...

The majority of the elements in the Form Builder can be set up to be hidden from the form. This particular feature is helpful if you don't want to display this value from the user's view. Hidden form elements...

When you add new fields to your form, the fields are optional by default. Meaning your users can submit the form without answering those fields. If you want the field to be required, you will need to set the field as required. ...

This guide shows you how to require a minimum and a maximum number of checkboxes within a group that can be selected. For example, you may have a list of eight checkboxes, and you want to require the user to select a minimum of three options, but...

If a user mistypes their email address, it can be very hard to get in touch with them. With the email address confirmation feature, you can easily prevent such problems. Adding an Email Field...

A CAPTCHA requests that users complete simple challenges to help protect your forms against spammers and spambots that are programmed to attack websites flooding by them with tons of unwanted information....

The File Upload form element allows you to accept file uploads on your form. By specifying the allowed file types, you can prevent users from uploading unwanted or incompatible files. For example, if your form is set up to process PDF files, you...

The File Upload element allows you to accept file uploads from your respondents. You can configure the allowed file size if you need to receive large files or save storage space by limiting your form to accept small files only....

The Short and Long Text fields are two of the most commonly used fields in the Form Builder. The Short Text is helpful for basic or minimal input of texts, for example, a subject line. The Long Text, on the other hand, is for accepting lengthy...

Making your form's background transparent is the easiest way to blend your forms into your website's design. Inside the Form Builder, you can change your form's background using the following...

There are two ways to display a PDF document inside a form. The first method uses the PDF Embedder Widget to display the PDF. The second is embedding the PDF directly via an iframe using the Paragraph element. ...

Most, if not all, web forms gather sensitive user data. As a website/business owner, you want people who submit your forms to accept your terms before providing their information. You should never enter into an agreement with a user unless both...

The Thank You Page is the final page your visitors see after submitting a form. Some people like to customize the page to give users a pleasing end to the experience. Others use it as a tool to redirect visitors to a specific page after completing...

When a form is submitted, a thank you message appears. Usually, this ends the workflow. However, sometimes, you may want to let users refill the form, redirect them to another form, or carry over their data. Previously, you'd manually add a link...

A lightbox form is a window that pops up when visitors click on a link. It's an easy way to share your forms with visitors. When the lightbox opens, it will overlay the page containing the link. The lightbox will look like this:...

Cloning a form can save you time and effort as you don't have to create a new form from scratch. After cloning, you can customize the form in the Form Builder to make any necessary adjustments for your specific needs....

Jotform provides handy ways to clone your forms in case you need to back up or duplicate them. This guide shows how to create a copy of your form, along with most of its settings, within your account....

The Formstack import tool lets you quickly import your Formstack forms and submissions into your Jotform account. It can import all your forms and data in a few simple steps. Let's do it! Go to the Formstack migration portal. Click...

If you want to migrate your forms from Typeform to Jotform, this article will show you how. There are two ways to import your forms from Typeform. Typeform Migrator Page The Typeform Migrator Page is the...

Importing your forms and data from Wufoo is made possible with Jotform's Wufoo import tool. The process is relatively straightforward — clicking buttons and providing your Wufoo API key as confirmation and authentication. In time, you'll have...

With Jotform's Google Forms import tool, you could transform your existing Google Forms into more powerful forms powered by its advanced form builder. Enhance your forms using the easy-to-use Form Designer and connect them with more apps and...

If you accidentally delete a form, you can restore it by following the steps below: Open My Forms.Select Trash on the left.Hover on the deleted form and click Restore. If you want to...

With Jotform's PDF Editor, you can convert your online form to a PDF format. The PDF Form can be edited before publishing. You can add elements similar to when you create/edit a form in the Form Builder. Once it's ready, you can download and share...

The geo stamp could be one of the most important data you can add to your form. Each time your form is opened, it adds geolocation information, stamping each response with longitude and latitude data depending on...

Security and privacy are Jotform's utmost priority in form building and data collection — two reasons why Jotform complies with various industry standards and regulations, including GDPR and HIPAA. Visit our Security page to learn more....

Jotform's Input Table element has an input type called Multi-type Columns. This allows you to set different input types for each column, such as Single Choice, Checkbox, Textbox, and Dropdown. Input Table with various input types. To set...

Making your form multilingual helps you reach a wider audience. Allowing your form fillers to choose your form's language gives you higher satisfaction and conversion rates. To set up your...

Field IDs and unique names in Jotform are identifiers for the different fields in your form. They are automatically generated and can be used for referencing values and customizing appearance with CSS....

Jotform API keys allow you to authenticate your information and connect your form data to third-party services or custom solutions. They serve as authentication tokens, granting access to specific features and data within Jotform. ...

With some of your forms, like a contract, you may need to check if a user agrees with your licensing conditions. You can do this by adding a License Agreement checkbox. In Jotform, you can add a License Agreement by using the Terms & Conditions...

We have deprecated this guide as Jotform forms are now mobile responsive by default. This means no further configuration is required. Mobile web usage is mainstream. If your website doesn't...

What's so important about form widths? Imagine filling out a form that's too wide for your mobile device. It'd be frustrating, right? Think about your forms and your audience. Do you provide a positive user experience? Do you know which...

You might be here because you were looking for any of the fields under our old Power Tools, as shown in the image below. These elements are either removed, updated, or moved to a different section. We moved the following to the...